New Life

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A/N:So I've clearly been reading a lot of Frerard and most of them are daddy kinks?I just wanna try this out for a bit maybe since my gf prefers they/them pronouns.Sooooo yeah!

Lola's POV

I smiled at Jade as we loaded my car with luggage full of clothes,books and other things for college.We decided that we would meet up with Sophia and Theo at our favorite ice cream place before all leaving for college.

I closed my boot finally then suddenly became aware of how freaking hot Jade looked right now.

Her red hair was plastered on her forehead in sweat and she was chewing on her lip ring slightly.She was trying to fit some bags into the backseat,making her ass stick out perfectly.I sauntered over and bent with her,pressing chaste kisses down her neck and playing with her red flannel shirt.

She bit back a small moan,then turned to me,smirking.

"Cool it,Casanova."Jade whispered down my neck.

I giggled and turned around as Sophia and Theo were at the end of the street.But they looked kinda different.

Instead of making a snarky comment of our closeness,Sophia was grinning widely and had her head leaned on Theo's shoulder,while Theo had his arm around her waist,smiling widely like Sophia.

And Sophia had a huge ass diamond ring on her finger.

Jade gasped at them and ran over to give Sophia a huge hug,just to say congrats.I went over to Theo,gave him a fist bump and whispered something which made Theo nod in approval,a big grin on his face.

"When's the wedding?"Jade asked in excitement.

"We were thinking maybe after studying,you know as a way to end our education." Sophia replied.

I smiled at the couple and looked at Jade,putting my arm on her shoulders and pulling us closer.We were all becoming adults now.


After we said our goodbyes for now,Jade and I walked back to my house where my family were waiting to say goodbye to me.

My mum had tears in her eyes whilst my dad was beaming proudly.He never really liked the fact that I was gay,but he went along with it.

I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.Then I turned to my mum.

I wiped her tears away and hugged her tightly.She was so headstrong all the time and strict but it felt weird to see her like this.

I told them all that I would come and visit during holidays and gave them one last hug before walking out the door with Jade,our hands connected.


"When are we gonna get there?"Jade asked for the billionth time since we left the state.

I sighed and pulled over at a nearby petrol station as I had been driving for hours and my legs needed stretching.

Jade looked up at me like an innocent puppy and tilted her head.

"What's the matter,daddy?

My eyes widened and I looked down at the punk girl beside me.

"D-daddy?"I asked myself.Then I felt the dominance in the word.I smirked,deciding to put the word to use when we had sex.

"Babydoll,daddy needs his rest for a while cause he's been driving for a long time,ok?"I smiled at my girlfriend,her face dumbstruck at the fact that I had called her babydoll.

She pressed on."What other names do I have,daddy?"

I smirked."Princess,baby,pet,whatever I wanna call you,agreed?"

Jade nodded and slid back in her seat,smiling at our new habit.

I didn't know how she knew that I always wanted to be called that but I suppose it's a wonderful gift of hers.

"Lola?"She asked with a timid voice.

I turned to look at her,my expression softening when I saw her face.


She squirmed a bit then bit her lip,staring at her converse.

I smirked,knowing exactly what she needed.

I got in the backseat of the car,motioning for Jade to do the same.

I smirked and kissed her roughly,taking her flannel shirt off and covering the windows with bags.

This was going to be a long ride to the uni.

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