The Next Day

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Jades POV

When I woke up,I looked over to see that Lola wasn't there next to me.(A/N:OMG THAT RHYMES)I began panicking but realized that I shouldn't really be worried about something like that.


Lola's POV

I was downstairs making pancakes for both of us and contemplated what my mum meant when she said I 'deserved' it.

She still loves me,right?Of course she does,she's my mother.Whenever we argue,it's always settled after a day or two.She never really makes a big deal out of anything anyways.

And my dad.Of course he'll accept me!He's known that I'm bi for two years now and he's absolutely cool with it.He's the more chilled one out of my parents in terms of arguments and problems.

But it's kinda hard to get my mum convinced.Maybe all three of us can convince her!Jade,my dad and me,of course.

I looked up the stairs to see a half-asleep Jade with the blanket wrapped around her like a dress.She is so adorable.

"What time issit?"Jade asked raspily while walking down the stairs.

"Meh,it doesn't matter."I walked up to her and snaked my arms around her waist,staring into her chocolate eyes.She looked back up at me with her head tilted,as if she was trying to see what I was thinking by reading the pattern in my eyes.

Jade shrugged and kissed me on the cheek,her arms around my neck.Man,I love this girl.

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