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Jade's POV

I stared at my beautiful girlfriend and sighed,snuggling into her shoulder.

After we were finished with our studies(but had to stay behind a bit 'cause of the drama),Lola and I decided we were going to get an apartment in our old hometown.

My mum and dad helped us to pay for the place,but told us we had to work to pay the bills.We agreed,of course,and then moved in.

At the moment,we were on our sofa,watching some Netflix with a blanket wrapped around us.We could hear the big thunderstorm outside faintly and I whimpered a bit.Ever since I was young,I had always been afraid of thunder and loud noises.

Lola noticed this and put her arm around me,reaching over and petting my hair with her other hand.

She turned off the TV and carried me bridal style into our bedroom,placing soft kisses on my lips and face.

Lola then laid me down and I closed my eyes,thinking she was going to turn the lights off,pull the covers over us and sleep.

But what she did was completely unexpected.

Lola rolled up my sleeves and ran her thumb over each and every scar.Then she placed soft and feathery kisses on each of the scars.

I gasped at the contact but smiled when I saw her face.She had a gentle expression and her lips were pursed into a heart shape.

After she did that,she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled the blanket over us with one arm.

We slept in each others' arms that night,all comfy and snug.

-----time skip to a few weeks later-----

It was our anniversary and Lola was taking me somewhere.I looked around and squinted my eyes at her.She grinned and patted my head softly.

"Babe,where are we?"I questioned for the tenth time that night.

Lola sighed and turned to me.

"Jade,I already told you.It's a surprise."

I pouted at her and intertwined her hand with mine.

"Pffft,you're no fair."I breathed out and smiled a bit when Lola mentioned that we were almost there.

A few more steps when she finally put her hands around my eyes and stepped forward.

"Annnnnd you can look now!"

I took her hands from my eyes and gasped at the sight.

Our old hangout from high school was in front of me,fairy lights decorating the front and the treehouse still looking as good as new.

Music was playing from the balcony of the treehouse and two outfits seemed to hang from the porch railing.

Lola grinned like a small child and ran up the stairs,gesturing for me to follow.I obliged and walked warily up the wooden staircase.

When I reached the top,Lola wasn't dressed in her checkered shirt and shorts but a beautiful short blue dress.I smiled and looked at the hangar which held the second outfit,assumedly mine.

I picked it up and hid behind the makeshift couch as I changed.When I emerged,I was dressed in a short black glittery dress.

Lola looked at me and began dancing with me,just like prom.

After lots of failed attempts of dancing,Lola brought out a table with two chairs and pulled a chair for me.

I blushed at the romantic gesture and smiled,knowing that with Lola's cooking skills she probably whipped up a special meal for tonight.

Spaghetti and some apple juice,of course.

While we ate,I noticed that Lola was acting quite nervous and fidgety but brushed it off.

When we finished,she told me to close my eyes as there was one last surprise.

I grinned and covered my eyes,trying not to ruin the surprise for myself.I heard some shuffling and a bit of struggling and swearing and I finally heard the words.


I opened my eyes and they filled with tears of joy as I saw Lola on one knee with a velvet box in her hand,with a beautiful black diamond ring inside.

"Jade Pegg,I always knew that even if you didn't remember me after the accident,I would still go along with this plan.I always had intentions of you on that chair in that dress and this ring in this box in my hand.I love you and I know that you may not say yes,maybe you would forget me all over again but for now,this is my best chance.Jade Chandler Pegg,will you marry me?"

I brought my hands up to my mouth and nodded vigorously,tears streaming down my face.

"Yes!Of course I'll marry you!"I managed to get out.

Lola stood up and kissed me,slipping the ring onto my finger.We stood there for what seemed like hours.

And when we pulled away,my arms wrapped around her neck and her hands around my waist,I looked at my beautiful fiancée and grinned,kissing her again.

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