Senior Year

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Jade's POV

It's been about 4 years since I met Lola and now that it's our last year at high school,both our parents are deciding to send us to college which I find is quite reasonable considering my future.But then what will I do without Lola?I asked my mum that but she told me that sometimes you have to let people go when you need to.

I didn't want to leave my life behind now.Especially after all that's happened between me and Lola.

It's now gonna be a month till we graduate.Five days till I hear from my college to see if I got in.Three days till me and Lola go on one of our last dates together.

I sighed and looked at myself in my full length mirror.I hadn't been sleeping much and that was clearly evident from the purple rings underneath my eyes.I was dressed in a My Chemical Romance top,a marching band-like jacket to fit perfectly,skinny ripped jeans and black combat boots.

Over the years,my mum and dad finally let me get a couple of piercings.I got two in a parallel pattern on my right eyebrow,a lip ring and two black piercings in my ears.

I also had dyed my hair red,just to show off my punk style.I sighed and tossed my fringe only to let it cover my left eye again.I picked up my bag and walked downstairs to see my family.My dad decided to stay one more day till he went to work as he was sick for a while.My mum was in the kitchen making breakfast for my two little sisters,one in 9th grade and the other in 5 grade.

I grabbed a cereal bar and gave my parents a hug then went out the door to meet Lola.


"Wait,so where are they taking you?"

"Washington."I sighed.Lola and I were walking to school and we were on the topic of college.

"Oh."She smiled weakly at me and looked at the ground.We were both listening to 'Sing' by MCR and our hands were intertwined.Everyone in our year knew that we were together,and also knew to not bully me or Lola about 'cause she would beat their ass.

"Sing it for the boys," I suddenly heard her melodic voice break the awkward silence.

"Sing it for the girls," I continued on.

We both sang our hearts out as we both knew that this was probably going to be one of the last times we would hear this song together.Somewhere in the second verse,Lola started crying.

"Hey,what's wrong?" We stopped and I wiped her tears with my thumbs.

"No ones gonna be able to look after you after you l-leave,"she started.

"When we got together,I remember y-you told me that music was your escape.W-Well,in college,music will be your o-only hel-" I cut her off with a kiss.Not quick or dirty,but long and passionate just to emphasize the fact of how much I loved her.

She kissed back,but the tears kept flowing.I held onto her like there was no tomorrow,wishing that we could stay in this time and place forever.

"Ew guys get a room!"I heard a familiar voice and I felt Lola's lips smile a bit against mine.

Sophia and Theo came walking down the path,holding hands.I always shipped them,no matter what.

"Says you!"I pulled away and smiled cheekily,giving Theo a bro hug and doing my signature handshake with Sophia.

Lola smiled and hugged both of them,and we walked the rest of the way to school,me and Lola still holding hands.


When the bell for lunch came,I winked at Lola,Sophia and Theo as a signal to leave as we had packed away ages ago.

We ran and smiled more when we heard a teacher tell for us to stop running but this was a routine for us every lunch.We all ran to our spot under the huge oak tree at the back of the school field.

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