"Believe" The Bravery

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Kind of short, I liked it though.

Um, it would mean so much if whoever is reading this would give my story a shot. It's "Remember November".

Anyways, thanks for reading. :)


“Believe” The Bravery

She walked determinedly. Her black, curly hair flew out behind her. The sun shone down, making her feel wish autumn would just come already. It beat down on her, making her slightly hot in her green cardigan.

She held her head high. She knew she looked intimidating. With her eyes narrowed and her purposeful walk, she would send people to another sidewalk. But there was no need to transfer to another sidewalk, for there was no people.

At least, not really.

She walked determinedly, trying not to show her fear. The voices were taunting and laughing. There she goes. She thinks she’s so amazing. Look at her, she wants to cry. What a loser. She’s so ugly.

She tried to not let her lip quiver; the moistness in her eyes made her even more determined to remain emotionless.

The voices turned to faces. Laughing faces, all around, forming a giant mass of repeated cartoon-type faces. They had eternal eyes which seemed to see right through her and straight to the deepest chambers of her soul. They laughed, their cartoon mouths growing wide, like as if a child had drawn them.

They were hideous, laughing, mocking faces.

Each pair of eyes shone with such a realistic effect. Each pair of eyes belonged to someone. The deep, tired brown eyes were her father’s. The youthful, playful black eyes were her mother’s. The beady, marble-like eyes were her brother’s. The golden eyes on a rather ugly face, belonged to her teacher.

The most haunting eyes though were the electric blue. It was the only face that’s mouth wasn’t in an o-shape. The only face that wasn’t laughing. The eyes looked past her. Seeing nothing. The face could not see why the other’s were laughing. The eyes were filled with disappointment. They were filled with sadness, with pity.

Her head rose. Her breathing hitched, making her chest rise and fall. She walked, her eyes overpowered with emotion. Everything went a deep purple, orange and yellow lines criss-crossing in every direction, creating a hurricane of color.

She kept walking, head held as high as she could. She walked, staring straight ahead, pretending to not care. Pretending to not see the faces.

The laughing, taunting faces.

Pretending to not see the eyes, the eyes that seemed to look and know.

But mostly, pretending she wasn’t crazy.

She wasn’t crazy.

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