Chapter 44 - Exploring the cave.

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Chapter 44 - Exploring the cave.

As his eyes met the sun, he felt a tremendous amount of heat push down on his shoulders. It was nice and warm, but very uncomfortable. He knew he’d done wrong, so opened his eyes and tried to cut off the heat waves.

“Calm Jay, you were doing well,” Hecate comforted from behind her shield. She reached out with her hand and some of the searing heat was sucked from the cave into her palm. As she closed her hand her shield disappeared and Jay could feel some of the coldness returning.

“Sorry,” Jay huffed.

“Don’t worry, you did well. But you must practise Jay, if you don’t, you won’t get better.”

“I tried, it’s just I accidentally looked up to the sun,” Jay sighed.

“Eventually you’ll get there, you just need some practise. Anyway, my guided tour continues.” Hecate walked off away from the door. Jay and his mates followed.

Jay was consumed by disappointment, even with Hecate’s help he still couldn’t work that rise in temperature spell. It wasn’t difficult, ‘Just don’t look at the bloody sun!’ his mind shouted at him.

“Where does this take you to?” Bobby asked as they turned down a smaller tunnel.

“Another blank room,” Hecate answered.

They walked through the tunnel and emerged at a medium sized room. The ball of light swept over their heads and levitated below the ceiling.

“I think a heated swimming pool would do well here,” Liam laughed.

“Not a bad idea, this could be a party room,” Hecate agreed.

“Really, in a cave?” Jay asked.

“Of course, makes it more natural, so where do we want it?” Hecate questioned.

“Anywhere,” Broudie answered excitedly.

“Here?” Hecate flicked her wrist and a gigantic paint splat shaped hole appeared in the floor. Its insides were covered in miniature tiles that spelt the words ‘ATHENA’S DESCENDANTS’.

“Why didn’t you make a swimming pool when you cleared this island of whatever it was that was still on here?” Bobby asked.

“Well, how would I know what you mortals would be like in two millennia? You might have completely changed and prefer lava baths,” Hecate said.

“Wait a minute. If you helped Athena make this place, and you were locked up two millennia ago, it means you must have made the island before the prophecy was given. Did you create the island for another use or something?” Amy thought.

Athena's descendants and the Jewel of Barthimia (Greek mythology)Where stories live. Discover now