Chapter 9 - Taking a plunge.

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  • Dedicated to Hollie Williamson

Chapter 9 - Taking a plunge.

“Well I didn’t expect you to do it first time,” Hollie told him. “You keep practising and you’ll be able to do it.”

Hollie walked over to Claire and they all got down to practicing the light spell.

Then, after about half an hour, Hollie had them throwing and catching balls of light in pairs. There were a few instances where the light didn’t stop when someone tried to stop it, and Hollie had to quickly catch it herself, but it was quite fun.

After an hour they would change to a different spell, and then practise that. Jay mastered some and failed others. He perfected the opening spell and the fire spell, but couldn’t manage the rain curse. All he kept doing was sending single water droplets upwards into the sky.

Then when they finished the hour on the protecting spell, they left the fighting area for some well-deserved lunch at their cabins.

“How many spells are there?” asked Jay when they reached the campfire.

“Billions, some are useful,” answered Broudie.

“And some are really not,” Liam said, pacing out of his cabin with his bow and arrows at his side. “How was your training, any good?”

“Yeah, and guess what. Jay can do the control spell!” Broudie said.

“Wow, really? Well I best be off, were going to see the demi-god tribe in Snowdonia. I‘ll seeya the day before you go,” Liam told them as he stumbled off towards the river.

“They are so unlucky, you’ve never had to try and talk to a demi-god nicely have you?” Broudie questioned.

“No, I don’t even know what one is.”

“Well, basically, they are the children of one god and one mortal human, so they have a few powers that they get off their godly parent. The gods don’t know they have a child but when the baby demi-god is born, the god or goddess runs away from the mortal parent.”

“Goddess doesn‘t know the child is going to be born? But she would tell because she’s got the baby inside her? Right?”

“Oh no, not all baby demigods are born the same way,” Broudie gave out a small laugh and then continued, “Some emerge from the mortal, some pop out of fires, some get built by rocks and so on, quite…peculiar, I suppose is the word.”

“So they are basically like us except they have parents and their parents are gods?”

“Definitely not, they’re arrogant and horrible. They didn’t used to be though. And they don’t have magic they can just control stuff like water if they are children of Poseidon.”

The two boys strolled off into their cabins.

Jay was greeted by the same cosiness of the warming house, then the tastes of a lovely meal, which he definitely deserved. After his lunch, he went back out and met Jordan.

It didn’t seem weird settling into a new regime and not having to worry about schoolwork, it was different, but it felt right.

“Hey, d’you want to have a duel, no weapons just powers,” Jordan asked.

“What do you mean?” questioned Jay, as they reached the waterfall. Jay was holding his homemade shield and Jordan was holding his. Jordan’s shield however was like a tiny cloud with a strap on the back, it gave you a headache just looking at it.

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