Chapter 29 - Who is it ?

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Devin POV

"Hold on somebody at the door" "really babe we just got on FaceTime" "I know babe...I'll be back real quick" "just call me back" "okay"

I walked downstairs to the door. "Who is it" I asked. Nobody replied. "Who is it" I asked again. I looked through the pep hole to see a woman who looked familiar. I opened the door and realized who it was. Our mother...

"Hey baby" "hey" "how are you" "could be better" "oh don't say that Devin" "why" "cause.." "Is there a reason to you being here" "I wanted....I missed you guys" "now you do" "always did" I rolled my eyes and opened the door wider for her to come in. Before I was about to close it I seen Lang walking up to the house. "She's upstairs" I told him and closed the door behind him.

"Who's upstairs....Yn" she asked me. "Yea" "can I see her" "I don't know about that..." I trailed off. "Cmon Devin" "I don't know bout it...she isn't to fond bout seeing ya anymore" "who is ya" "you and Malcolm" "why I was there not him" "but you abandoned us and sent us to ya sister house"

"I was dealing with a situation" "that's doesn't mean abandon us...we didn't do anything to you" I said as my voice got louder. "Boy you better lower your tone" "why..why should abandoned us and think you can pop up and get back in our lives...Malcolm tried it but it ain't happening" "I'm your mother not one of ya friends-" I cut her off. "Then where were you if you're my mother" I yelled.

"Yn" I looked at her then behind me. "What's going on" Yn asked walking down the stairs. "Nothing she was leaving" "my baby girl" she got up and hugged Yn but Yn didn't hug back" "princess it's me-" "I know who you are" she let go and went back to where she was standing.

"My babies" "can you go" Yn said. "Can we talk" "no just go" Yn replied. I walked to the door and opened it. She walked to the door. "Zac no" she turned around and looked at Zac and Lang. "who...who baby is that" she asked looking at Yn and I. We both just looked at her.

"Who baby is that" her voice got louder. We all froze and looked at her. She examined Zac's face and looked at me. "No daddy I go with mommy" Zac said. Her eyes trailed to Yn. "When" she asked. "I think it's time for you to go" I said.

"When!!" she yelled. "I guided her to the door and closed it. It's fucked up that I did that to my own mother. I looked at Yn and went to hug her. "Dont worry about her Ynn"


"We're going out Devin" "aight..see ya" "aight" i went upstairs to get dressed.

I drove to Vontae house. It was our usual night..smoke, drink, chill...told you the usual. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. "What's good man" "what's good nigga" "nun man chillin, what about you nigga" "Maaaan hella shit" "come in bro"

"What happened bro" "so my moms popped up at the crib" "Avery's mom" he asked. "Naah mother....birth" "foreaaaal nigga" "yea bro" "for what" "to see us... For some apparent reason..she said she missed us and all this other bullshit"

"Damn man that's crazy" "it is then she got crazy on us cause Zac called Yn and she was tryna figure out who Zac was" "what she say" "who child is got a kid" I said mocking her. Vontae laughed at me. "Man you fucked up" "naah man that's fucked up how she do that..I don't know how she found out where we lived at"

"Ya aunt?" "don't talk to her" "dad?" "He don't even know" "avery's mom?" "don't think so" "langston's mom?" "I don't know man...I'll find out sooner or later" "you right bro but you ready to smoke cause I'm tryna be fried" he said laughing. "Yea man roll the blunt" I said laughing.


"Who was that" Langston asked me. "The lady that made me" "that was her" he asked amused and excited. "Don't get too excited" "you never know she might like me cause you know ya mom never liked me" "yea yea it was cause you acted like a dickhead sometimes" "me ? No I'm nice" "yea okay Lang" I said laughing. We were on our way to my mom's house...not the birth one..

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