Chapter 17 - Really

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Langston POV
Next day, 2:34

I texted Yn last night so we can talk. I wanna tell her about me having another kid. I hope she doesn't take it crazy. I dont think so cause i seen she been fuckin with home boy.

Yn didnt reply back so i called her.
"Hello" her voice roamed through the phone. "Did you get my text" i asked. "Yea i was just about to call you but what happen" "can we meet up so we can talk" "whats something wrong with Zac" she said raising her voice sounding concerned

"No Ynn just meet me at the park. "Alright, what time" "now" "aight" she hung up and i got in the car driving to the park.

I got to the park and sat by the lake. It was really no one around by lake so i think this would be a good spot. I text Yn to tell her I'm near the lake. She came a few minutes later and walked towards me.

"Whats good" i said getting up and hugging her. "Hey" she hugged me back and sat down. Mine and Yn relationship is pretty good. I know we left off on sorta bad terms but we sacrificed for Zac and let shit aside.

"How you been" i asked. "Ive been good, what about you" "im aight, same old shit" i heard her chuckle at my response. "So what happen" she asked me. Im not scared to tell Yn but i am. I dont know how she gonna take it.

"" i couldnt find the right words. "Lang spit it out" she told me while giggling. "I...may be having another kid" i said while looking down. I heard her laugh. "Boy stop playing and tell me whats up" "im being dead ass serious yn"

"Lang I'm serious to, dont be fuckin with me" she said sounding more serious then before. "Yn does it sound like im fuckin playin" i replied back irritated as hell. She looked at me and seen i was serious.

"What the hell Lang, really" she asked me. "What do you mean really, you making it seem like we still together" "i dont give a fuck" she told me while looking away.

I dont get why she mad. We ain't together. Like really Yn? Is it cause she misses me or something?

"Who's the girl" she asked. I looked down at the concrete. "BeeBee ma" "i knew it" Yn said while shaking her head. "Yn i didn't intend to get her pregnant" "but it happened lang"

"I dont give a fuck what ya do, long as you dont forget bout Isaac" "why would you say that, you know i would never do that" "I'm just didn't even know where he was before" "are you really going to hold that on me" i asked. "Hell yea cause you was fucking that bitch and wasn't with your son"

By now Yn was standing up in front of me. This conversation was getting heated and so was i. I stood up and looked down at her. "That was only one time and you coming at my neck like that. You know damn well I'm always with him yo"


Im so done with this conversation. When we finally get in a good position something always fucks it up. I looked up at Lang and felt some tears swell up. "You know what..I'm done with this. Im sorry, i hope you're happy with her. Hope you have a healthy baby. Goodbye Langston" i said and walked away.

Tears were falling and i couldn't stop them. Im hurt that he is having another kid with someone. I know Im with Diggy but I'm still not over Lang. Im getting over him little by little but its taking time.

I reached my car and sat in it for a moment. I looked at where Lang was at and seen him with his head down. I sighed and put the key in the ignition. I drove off driving to the new house.


"Baby whats wrong" Diggy asked me. "Nothing just tired thats all" i said while finishing the final touches in Isaac's room. Tomorrow his furniture will be here and i can finally furnish. I took a few days off from work to get situated at the house.

"You hungry" diggy asked. "No, im good" once i said that my stomach started growling. "Want White Castle" he asked "i dont care" i said shrugging my shoulders.

Diggy left and i started working on my room. We painted Zac's room navy blue and my room light gray. Zac's room is in the process of something, Im trying to figure out what to do with it. Isaac is with Avery's mom, she wanted to be with her Grand baby. Isaac hasn't seen his room and i want it like that. I want him to be surprised.

I was on the last wall when diggy walked back in. "Im back" "i know" i said laughing. I finished the wall and we sat and ate.

"Baby can you tell me whats wrong" "nothing" "stop lying cause you know your ears get red when you lie". Damn he knew that. "What are you talking about" i said giggling. "You never thought i noticed that..i did around the third month" "damn" i mumbled.

"Lang is having another kid and its with her" "her who" "beebee nigga" "why are you upset though" "im still not over him Dig" i said face palming myself. "So im like a cover up" "no no no no..thats not what im saying. I am feeling you dont get me wrong but with lang its hard cause we were together for almost 4 years" "i get you ma"

"I dont want you thinking i aint feeling you when i am babe" i said "atleast i know you feeling me..i'll take that" he said laughing. I giggled at his response. We finished eating and got up to finish my room. I grabbed the paint brush and started paint the second coat on the wall.

"You need help" Diggy asked "uh yea sure" i said. I continued painting the wall until i felt something roll on my butt. "What the fuck" i turned around and seen Diggy painting my ass. "Really Dig" i asked.

"Aye couldn't help it" he shrugged. He stood next to me and i found the opportunity to paint his arm. "Really ma" "aye couldn't help it" i shrugged. "You gonna get" he told me. "Yea okay"

We continued painting and were done around midnight since we were fooling around a lot.

New house in the media

Why Can't I...? Yn/Langston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now