Chapter 23 - Daddy

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Next day, Friday
3:45 pm

I have to go to work today. I took almost a month off and they need me back they say. I go in at 5 so i have to get ready. Zac was taking a nap so i have enough time to get ready.

I was about to hop in the shower until my phone started ringing. Damn bro.

"Hello" "hey yn" "hey ma" "how are you" "im good, you" "im doing good...i havent heard from you in a few weeks" "too much is going on but uh ma can we talk later i gotta go to work" "okay but before you hang up can i have Zac today" she asked me.

"Ma" i took a long pause. "I dont want him there with her there" "she isnt her baby..can i just see my grandson" i sighed. "Aight i'll bring him when i leave" "okay see ya in a bit" "see ya" i hung up and went to take a shower.

I got out after 20 minutes and put lotion on. I got dressed and woke Zac up. "Mmm" "get up Zac so you can go by grandma" "nooo" "little boy you better get up" i walked to the bathroom and did my hair. I put it in a messy bun and went back to Zac.

"Lets go stink grandma is waiting" "nooo" he said again. I picked him up and went to the car. I buckled him in and drove to her house.

"He just went to sleep" she asked me. "No he been sleep since like 2 i think" "oh okay" she went to lay him down in Ayden's bed and came back downstairs.

"How ya been" "we've been good, how youve been ma" "ive been okay..i just missed you two" "im sorry ma too much was happening" "its okay baby ya are here now"

"Uh Diggy and i are throwing Zac a party at his house" "what time" "4" "okay i'll be there" "itll mean a lot since you are the only older female figure we have and Diggy's parents wants to meet you too" "oh okay thatll be fine"

We finished our conversation and i left to work. When i got there i parked my car and walked inside of the mall. I went to Starbucks to get a drink and walked to footlocker.

"Yn you finally back" i heard Jay say. "Yea i am" i said hugging him. When i first started Jay trained me and we've been cool since. "You got a lot to do. You need to make a lot of sales gonna be aight with that" he asked me. "Yea let me put my stuff in the locker and i'll be back"

I put my stuff in the back and walked to the front to help whoever.

Diggy POV

I called Yn to see what she was doing but it went to voicemail. I put my phone down and walked to the kitchen. I seen Russy there sitting at the counter. "Whats up russ" "nm man whats up" "nothing" i grabbed a capri sun and started walking back upstairs.

Before i walked out the kitchen i turned back around. "Aye russ..did you hear from yn" i asked crunching my face. "No but i seen she put a tweet up" "bout what" "hold on let me find it"

I seen as he scrolled through his phone. " found it" he said "she put back to work today" "aight thanks bro" "welcome man" i walked up stairs and put my sneakers on. I grabbed my keys and left.



"what are you doing here" "i wanted to talk to you" She sighed "dig i do-" i cut her off "i dont wanna hear that. I want you to talk to me" "for what.. aint shit to talk about" "yes it is now stop acting like that ma" i said and grabbed her by her waist.

I waited for her to get home so we can talk. What happen yesterday was dumb as fuck. "Daniel" she paused. "Its. nothing. wrong. " she paused after every word.

"Then why when Miley told me it was something different" she just looked at me then looked away. "Look baby girl i dont want you keeping shit away from me. If we gone be together we have to open up to one another" i heard her sniffle. I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head.

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