Chapter Forty Four- "I'll Do It"

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I sighed, staring down at the hopeless man I used to love. I just couldn't do it.

He was about to stand up and I didn't know what to do. He finally looked me in the eyes and all I could see was anger and fury, never was it like that since he broke me. I stared back at him pleadingly. But, of course, he punched me in the face and I let him. I let him do it again and again and again, just pathetically accepted it as if I knew I'd done wrong. That is until Sherlock panicked and pulled him off, pushing him to the edge of the pool. He struggled to push him off as Sebastian wouldn't ever back down from a fight.

Every part of me in my body screamed at me to kill Sebastian right there and then, maybe even just help Sherlock but it wouldn't allowed me. Luckily, Sherlock managed to throw him over so he landed in the depths of the pool. That didn't put Sebastian off though.

Sherlock looked at me with half sympathy and half confusion. I gave him an apologetic look soon before my eyes darted to the pool. Sebastian grabbed Sherlock's legs from and pulled him in as well. I ran to the edge and worriedly stared down.

I quickly thought to myself, suddenly realising how stupid I was being. This man pretended to be my best friend and maybe more for years, only to break my heart, no, rip it out. This man had the nerve to come back and work with me again, only to quite literally shoot me and nearly be the cause of my death. And now this man was trying to drown the person I loved more than anyone else in the world, right now in front of my very eyes.

My fists clenched, my fingernails ripping into my flesh. I took a deep breath.

"Fuck you, Sebastian", I muttered under my breath before diving into the pool and fighting to grab Sebastian of of Sherlock.

It was extremely hard to attack someone underwater as every strike I fought to make with my fist failed as if it was in slow motion. The water just slowed everything down. I tried a different method, grabbing Sebastian's head from behind and clawing it until he acknowledged me and tried to hit me. This gave Sherlock enough time to escape and reach the top of the water for air. Air...The thing I could tell Sebastian was running out of. That's exactly why he abandoned attacking me and took a quick breath out of the water.

I was too confused to even think about breathing which was my mistake as Sebastian quickly resumed fighting me. I pushed him back multiple times which barely did anything. The only time it did work was when someone grabbed him from behind-Sherlock, obviously-and pulled him away from me. I suddenly realised how tight my lungs where getting so I went up to breathe.

Somehow, Sherlock dragged Sebastian out of the pool and threw him against the wall. I guess he wasn't such a fan of the water. I clung onto the side of the pool, panting heavily and suddenly remembering what was going on. My head kept getting absentminded lately and I forgot what I was doing a lot.

I finally got out of the pool and I moved towards the two fighting men. I had to say, Sherlock was doing pretty well because Sebastian was still pinned up against the wall. Eventually, with one massive punch, Sebastian was on the floor helplessly. Sherlock automatically brought out the gun and pointed it at him. I moved towards Sherlock quickly and put my hand on his drenched shoulder.

"I'll do it", I stared at him, breathing heavily.

Sherlock returned the look.

"Are you sure?" Sherlock asked.

I hesitated for a while.

"He has done worse to me than any of this", I spoke darkly, suddenly feeling the urge to, as he called it, get revenge, "I want to make him feel it".

Sherlock nodded and handed me the gun wearily. He stood back. I held the gun in my hands, not sure what had gotten into me.

"You know, Sebastian", I started, "Everything you've done to me was to make yourself feel better, wasn't it? Because, deep down, you know you're pathetic. wanted to make me feel even worse".

Sebastian moaned on the floor, unable to even try standing up.

"Think of this as...putting you out of your misery", I smirked, "But just a quick reminder. This is going to fucking hurt".

Without a single moment of hesitation, I pulled the trigger, the bullet ripping through the flesh of his kneecap because that was where it should hurt the most. But I wasn't done. I didn't even have any second thoughts about shooting him three more times, in the arm, the leg and the chest right below the heart. It felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off of me from finally showing him how it felt to be properly hurt. Sebastian screamed out in pain, begging me to stop. I stared down at him with no regrets yet having massive guilt.

I just let him suffer for endless minutes which seemed like hours.

"And now here's what it feels like to have your heart broken", I reloaded the gun, "Literally".

He stared up at me with pleading guilt in his eyes. I looked back at him but not in the same way, more in a hateful way. And that's the last emotion I felt towards Sebastian Moran before I killed him. Hate.

I shot the gun, aiming right at his heart. He struggled for a few long seconds before he finally was gone, a pool of blood surrounding him on the floor. He was dead.

I dropped the gun on the floor, unable to take my eyes off the corpse of Sebastian Moran, my former best friend whom I had just murdered.

I heard Sherlock walk over to me. Shaking, I turned to face him and he immediately pulled me into a tight, warm hug, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I hugged him back, never wanting to let go.

"It's over", Sherlock whispered softly into my hair.

I hugged him tighter because the same searing pain in my stomach was back. And my head was beginning to feel dizzy. My head leant on his shoulder and I stared at the pool, the blueness starting to spiral around.

And that was all I could remember before I blacked out.

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