Chapter Twenty Eight- "Sebastian?"

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I had absolutely no idea how long I had been sleeping but, the next thing I know, Sherlock is kneeling down in front of me and trying to wake me up.

"Is this some type of hallucination?" I sat up, my eyes still half closed.

"No", Sherlock simply said, still sounding annoyed but a little more forgiving, "I'm...sorry I walked out on you earlier but, honestly, what did you expect?"

"No, no, look!" I woke up properly then, sitting up more and leaning against the counter behind me, "You didn't let me explain. The person who left that message is Sebastian Moran".

"Oh, your 'best' sniper man?" Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, a small smile threatening to form on my lips.

Sherlock shot me a glare.

"Do you want me to leave again?" Sherlock snapped.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry", I sighed, "Listen, we made a stupid, meaningless plan that was never going to happen over a year ago way before know. Apparently, he still thinks the plan is on. Little does he know, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you in one million years".

Sherlock remained silent for a while before sighing deeply and shaking his head.

"We have got to stop doing that", Sherlock muttered.

"Doing what?" I asked with confusion.

"Leaving in fury before the other one can explain, only to find out that it was a complete misunderstanding!" Sherlock explained.

"We don't do that", I said and then added, "...that much".

"Oh, really?" Sherlock asked, "When Mycroft told you I had a girlfriend, you hung up before I got the chance to explain. You left the hospital when John came in. And now I've just stormed out when I thought you were still that old psychopath trying to murder me!"

I laughed, showing a genuine smile.

"You're right", I agreed, "This might be pushing it a little after a fight but please could you possibly make me some coffee?"

"Fine", Sherlock smirked, standing up.

"Decaf!" I called out as he walked over to the cabinet.

I finally got up and made my way to the bathroom. I checked in the mirror to see how tiresome my eyes were looking. A tiny bit bloodshot, nothing extreme. I sorted out my dark black hair by adding a small amount of gel in it. I was just about to floss until my phone began ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Well, this time you answered", Sebastian's voice spoke.

I seriously need to start looking at the caller ID before I answer in the future.

"Sebastian?" I asked even though I clearly knew who it was.

"Course it is", Sebastian replied, his voice as dark and mysterious as always, "So, did you get my message?"

"Uh, which one?" I nervously asked, mentally slapping myself because he had only left one message.

"The only message", Sebastian laughed.

I stayed silent.

"Well, did you?" Sebastian persisted.

"Yes", I said slowly.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well what?" I bit my lip.

"Well, is the plan still on?" Sebastian asked, getting a bit frustrated by now.

"Oh, that!" I laughed nervously, "Well, you see, about that..."

"I swear to God, if you've gone soft", Sebastian spoke darkly.

I stared at my shoes with worry. My heart screamed at me to just tell the truth but my head said otherwise. And that was when I made a big mistake.

"Of course the plan's still on!" I lied, "So, I'll see you soon, okay? Bye!"

I hung up quickly and immediately began to hate myself. I guiltily walked out of the bathroom and into the dining room where my coffee was waiting...and Sherlock. I stared down at my coffee and sighed.

"What is it?" Sherlock asked worriedly, "Not enough foam? No, too much foam".

"Sherlock, I've just done something really stupid".

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