Chapter Four- "It's Not A Threat. It's A Promise, My Dear"

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"Wow", I accidentally said whilst sighing.

Damn it! Why the hell did I just say that? Idiot.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

"You-" I paused, mentally slapping myself for even considering telling him, "Nothing".

The truth was, he looked so incredibly, unbelievably sexy in the rain; his curly hair dripping wet, rain drops slipping down his face, little droplets flicking off of his eyelashes whenever he blinked.

I remained silent for a while, taking in the imagine right in front of my very eyes, inserting it into my brain and saving it.

"Why don't you come inside?" I casually asked.

Sherlock also stayed silent for a while and I could tell that he was thinking carefully about his answer. Sherlock Holmes wasn't the only one who could read people.

I patiently waited for an answer, trying to look like I didn't care but inside the wait was killing me.


Ouch. That hurt.

"Why?" I asked but my voice came out all high and worried and hurt.

"Because I don't trust you", Sherlock answered.

Ouch. That hurt even more.

"And why not?" I asked eagerly.

"Because you're a heartless maniac", Sherlock glared.

That one hurt the most.

"Okay, 'maniac' I agree with", I compromised, "But heartless? No, no, no. You've got it all wrong".

"You care about no one!" Sherlock argued.

"I care about someone", I hinted but quickly backed out about telling him again.

"Who?" Sherlock asked.

"One day, you might find out", I said, "And you'll find out when you get to know me better. And, if you want to get to know me better, then you should come inside".

"Fine", Sherlock said after a moment of hesitation.

I nodded slightly and allowed him to follow me inside. Although he didn't exactly follow me. He just made his own way around the mansion. He came across a door with lots of scratches on it. I watched him curiously move towards the door. As soon as he placed his hand on the door handle, I placed my hand on his hand. I felt him become tense as soon as I touched him.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you", I spoke darkly, quickly removing my hand from his.

"Are you suggested to me that I shouldn't go in there or are you ordering me?" Sherlock asked.

"I'm ordering you", I said with a straight face, showing him how serious I was being.

"Well, now that you say not to go in there, it makes me want to go in even more", Sherlock said.

"Sherlock, I'm warning you", I said through gritted teeth, "If you enter that room, you'll never come out of it".

"Don't threaten me", Sherlock snapped.

"It's not a threat", I shook my head, smiling slightly, "It's a promise, my dear".

Sherlock ignored me and just continued to stare at the door.

"It's locked anyway", I lied, getting mad at myself that I didn't lock it in the first place because I wasn't expecting anyone to be here today.

"Oh, really?" Sherlock asked, obviously not believing me.

Before I could do anything, he swung the door open and ran down the stairs through to the room that should've never been seen by him.

"SHERLOCK!" I screamed at him, immediately running after him.

But it was too late. He was already in which meant that he had to stay in. I could already feel the sadness in my eyes because I never wanted him to be one of the people that had to stay in here. Normally, any other person that entered this room would be tortured and hurt until they died a very slow and painful death. But this was Sherlock. I couldn't do that to him because...well, it doesn't matter. I just couldn't do that. But I also couldn't let him leave because he would tell people about it.

I stood against the wall and covered my face with my hands frustratedly, trying to figure out what to do. I let out a heavy sigh. As soon as I uncovered my face, he was standing directly in front of me. I jumped because he was so close.

"I guess you've seen it", I looked down at the ground.

"I'm not surprised", Sherlock shrugged and I was taken aback by his ability to honestly not care, "I expected you to do things like this".

I don't know whether I was relieved because he wasn't angry or whether I was sad because he thought of me as a murderer.

He could tell by my cold glare that I was angry with him for going in here.

"Look, let's just forget about this and go back upstairs", Sherlock said, about to leave.

"Wait", I called out.

He came straight back to me and I swallowed hard about what I was about to do. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry", I truthfully said before piercing his skin with the injection.

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