Chapter Forty Two- "I Think He's In Trouble"

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Still half asleep, I groaned tiredly, reaching out next to me whilst expecting to feel Sherlock's body but instead feeling the empty bed space. Simply, I thought nothing of it. He probably wasn't as tired as I was. I shrugged it off and rolled over, comfortably sinking my head into the pillow and feeling myself drift away again.

That is until my damn phone rang. I sighed with frustration and grabbed the phone next to me without looking at it. I answered with annoyance.

"Whoever you are, this better be good", I snapped with exhaustion.

I had only just noticed that I slept in my suit. Shame on me.

I put the phone on speaker so I didn't have to hold it to my ear and I laid it on the pillow next to me whilst I closed my eyes again, feeling the waves of fatigue wash over me.

"Moriarty?" John's stupid voice asked, "I need to talk to you".

How did he even get my number?

"Ugh, what is it?" I moaned.

"Is Sherlock with you?" John questioned.

"I think he's downstairs", I replied, yawning heavily.

"Well, about ten minutes ago, he was at mine", John said.

"So?" I asked with boredom.

"I think he's in trouble", John informed me worriedly.

I sat up quickly and brought the phone closer to me.

"He went into his old bedroom to find something", John explained, "I checked after he left and his gun is missing. I remember he kept it here. I think it was in case I needed protection. You see, I never keep guns with me. They're far too-"

"John, get back to Sherlock", I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh, yes", John remembered, "He has taken his gun and bullets and he suddenly fled off. Has he come home yet?"

"I don't know", I shrugged, "I'll check. Hold on".

I stood up with agony, suddenly remembering about my stomach, and walked lightly down the stairs.

"Sherlock?" I called out.

I looked in the hallway and his shoes were gone. Then, I peered out of the window and, of course, his car was gone.

"No, he's not here", I told John, starting to feel nervous about where he was and what he was up to, "Why do you think he took the gun?"

"Well, I was hoping you knew", John said, "Has anyone threatened him lately? Or maybe done something to annoy him? I can't think of anyone he'd go as far as shooting. Maybe Anderson. I knew he would lose it with him one day-"

"He wouldn't shoot someone for just being annoying", I reminded him.

"Well, has anyone..." John trailed off.

"Has anyone what?" I asked him.

"I don't know", John panicked helplessly, "Has anyone done anything to you? Wait, didn't you get shot by someone?"

I lost all feeling in my head when I realised. I dropped the phone, quickly put on my shoes and ran outside, jumping into my car. I drove off quickly and started to feel confused when I was on the main road. Wait. Where was I even going? I had no idea where Sebastian and Sherlock would be.

I cursed myself for dropping my phone because I could have called him and it was too late to turn back now.

I had a sudden thought. Sebastian always wanted Sherlock's death to happen at the pool where I attached explosives to John and had snipers pointed at them both. He was furious with me when my ringtone ruined everything. Maybe I was wrong but...he could be trying to finish this where it started. I spun the car round, ignoring all the angry driving beeping me with outrage, and headed to the pool.

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