Chapter Twenty Three-"I Never Got To Finish My Sentence"

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"Jim?" I asked, nervously.

He looked up at me with those beautiful gleaming eyes, looking hopeful.

"I-" I stopped mid sentence as soon as I saw John standing outside the door.

He came running in and he hugged me.

"Are you okay?" John asked worriedly, "Well, of course you're not okay. You just got hit by a sodding lorry. Sorry, I, uh...But seriously are you okay?!"

"John, calm down, I'm fine", I reassured him.

"Oh, thank God", John sighed with relief.

"Just a few broken limbs but nothing else much", I shrugged.

We both laughed.

"Mrs Hudson is panicking", John informed me, "But I told her not to come else she'll worry. I thought you'd be...well, I thought you'd look..."

"Dead?" I asked.

"You've already died once", John smiled.

I smiled for a brief second and laid my head back. The pain killers were starting to wear off and my head hurt deeply. My eyes swiftly landed upon the empty chair. My pain was automatically replaced with sadness. So, Jim had left then. And I hadn't even noticed. I'm such a great boyfriend. I run out when he says he loves me, shout at him over the phone for no reason at all and don't even realise when he's left.

I sat up immediately.

"What's wrong?" John asked.

"I've got to go", I said, "Now".

"You can't!" John said, panicking, "You'll injure yourself again!"

I ripped off the pads stuck to my chest which measured my heartbeat.

"I won't", I said quickly, "Bye, John".

Before he could reply, I ran out of the room and down the corridor, only just realising that I had a hospital gown on. A bit embarrassing but never mind. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Hoping that it was Jim, I turned around to see an annoyed looking nurse.

"Excuse me", she said strictly, "You can't be out here. Please return to your room".

I scanned her entire persona in a matter of seconds. Single, obsessed with George Clooney, hates pets.

"Oh my word", I faked a shocked expression, "Is that George Clooney?!"

She turned around quicker than I thought she would and I managed to dash away out of the hospital. It might have been the drugs but I could've sworn I heard her shout "Oh, George, baby, marry me!"

I ran out of the hospital and down the path of the main road and it was raining heavily but I didn't care. I came across a street full of houses. I kept running, every single part of my body hurting extremely. But I still ran as quick as I could. Every part of me was dripping wet by now from the rain. As soon as I turned the corner, I saw a man walking with...a Westwood suit...Jim!

My legs forced me to run even faster. I finally caught up to him and I pulled the back of his shoulders, turning him around to face me. Before he could say anything, I intensely grabbed his tie and pulled it so that his body fell into mine and I kissed him deeply on the lips, wrapping my arms around his waist. I felt Jim put his arms around my neck as he always did. There was just something about the rain which made this even more special. We both finally pulled away and I breathed heavily because of how fast I ran here. Jim's arms were still on my neck and I felt protected with his grasp on me.

"I never got to finish my sentence", I smiled, feeling confident for once, "I love you too. I never really got to say it properly. I panicked, I guess. But, I love you! I really really do!"

"Calm down", Jim laughed, smiling more than usual and his hands on my neck were shaking.

"I'm sorry I didn't really acknowledge you when John came", I apologised, "Everything was just a bit overwhelming".

"No, I'm sorry", Jim said, looking down, "I overreacted. Again. I'm an idiot".

"Maybe but you're my idiot", I said.

"Since when did you become so confident?" Jim asked, fighting to hide his happiness I could tell.

"Since ten minutes ago", I answered, "When I realised how much I missed you in that room when you were gone".

The rain started getting heavier. Jim noticed this too.

"Shall we get out of here?" Jim asked.

"Most definitely".

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