Chapter Thirty Two- "A Man Like You Isn't Capable Of Love"

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"Really?!" I jumped up and down excitedly.

Sherlock smiled, amused by my happiness.

"We have to-!"

"Before you go making plans", Sherlock interrupted me, "we have to tell John face to face".

My smile dropped.

"Oh, well, you can do that, right?" I asked hopefully.

"No chance, you're coming with me", Sherlock grinned.

"Fine", I sighed, "Just let me go and get a suit".

"Westwood?" Sherlock asked.

"Westwood", I confirmed.

I opened my wardrobe to revealed all of my beautiful suits all hanged in a neat circle. I eventually decided on a navy blue Westwood with a black striped tie.

Sherlock was waiting for me outside my bedroom, outside our bedroom now. I faced him and stretched my arms out.

"Creases?" I asked him.

"Oh, for goodness sake, you want me to check your suit?" Sherlock sighed.

"Sorry, it's Tony's day off", I straightened my suit jacket with care.

"And Tony is...?" Sherlock crossed him arms.

"Oh, you're going to love this one", I smiled, unable to keep myself from laughing, "So, I was casually walking through the streets and this guy compliments my suit, understandably, so I simply asked him to tell me how my suit looked at the back. I offered him a job, he took it. Now he has to leave whatever he's in the middle of doing something because he's working for me and everyone answers my calls. So, I keep calling him in during events that I stalk his Facebook page to find out he's attending. Hilarious!"

Sherlock looked at me for a few seconds, looking a bit creeped out. But then his expression changed.

"This is why I love you", he expressed.

I smiled back with appreciation.

"Come on, then", I sighed, "Let's get this over with".

"Don't worry, he won't be mad", Sherlock stated.

"You said he'd be fuming", I raised my eyebrows.

"He won't be that fuming", Sherlock promised.

* * *

"I AM ABSOLUTELY FUMING!" John screamed with fury, "I don't believe it. I don't BLOODY believe it! I asked for NO sugar. No sugar! And how much did the flaming waitress give me? Two! Everything seems to be going wrong today. Sorry. Right, anyway, you wanted to tell me something?"

Sherlock and I stood there, staring at each other worriedly.

"Uh, John..." Sherlock began.

"Mmm?" John absentmindedly asked, looking through unpaid bills and then joked, "Honestly, Sherlock, if you don't start paying rent, I'll have to kick you out".

John laughed. Sherlock seemed to take this seriously.

"John, I am not going to pay my bills", Sherlock snapped with exaggeration, "I refuse to-to be discriminated like this! So, it looks like you'll just have to kick me out".

This seemed to make John laugh even more.

"Sure, I'll kick you out", John said sarcastically, "Like I could live without you".

I pushed against my forehead with my hand frustratedly.

"John, I am going to buy you a golf set", Sherlock panicked, not knowing what to say.

"What?" John laughed.

I smirked at Sherlock's strange sense of humour.

"John, I am moving out", Sherlock just said outright.

"What?!" John's eyes grew wide.

"John, I think it's weird that you have no sugar in your coffee", I raised my hand but then quietly put it down with shame.

Everything went quiet until John spoke.

"You're moving out?" John asked, his voice cracking with sadness, "You''re moving out. You're moving out. You're moving out?!?!"

"Yes, John", Sherlock answered sadly.

"With this maniac?" John pointed towards me.

"Oh, I swear to God", I growled, moving towards John in a threatening way until Sherlock pulled me back.

"John, I love this maniac", Sherlock said.

"Can we please stop calling me a maniac?" I complained, "Actually, you know what, it actually has quite a nice ring to it. James Moriarty, the maniac".

"Shut up", John snapped.

"Excuse me?" I glared at him.

"This isn't a bloody joke!" John yelled.

"You're a joke", I folded my arms and looked away stubbornly.

"You don't love Sherlock", John spat, "A man like you isn't capable of love".

"Let me hit him", I pleaded Sherlock, "Once. Just once".

"Yes, Sherlock", John said, "Let him hit me. You seem to let him control everything else you have the right to choose".

"Do you want me to decorate these walls with the insides of your empty head?" I threatened, stroking the gun in my pocket.

"Stop!" Sherlock suddenly shouted, "You're acting like five year olds. John, I am moving out and there is nothing you can do about it".

I smiled satisfactorily. Sherlock turned to me.

"Jim, you can't hit John and, if you shot him, I would never speak to you again", Sherlock said harshly.

John was the one smiling with satisfaction now. He made me want to vomit. However, I removed my hand from the gun in my pocket all the same.

I could happily remove John Hamish Watson from this world but I couldn't because Sherlock would hate me. I've just have to settle with beating the crap out of him for now.

And that is exactly what I did. But I'll get to that later...

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