Chapter Thirteen- "What Letter Comes After Z?"

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"So, he confessed?" John asked.

"Not really", I shook my head, "Well, he did after I told him that I knew he did something to you".

"And where is he now?" John questioned.

"I have no idea", I shrugged, "Probably murdering someone to get the anger out of his system. Joking!"

I laughed even though I knew he wasn't like that anymore. Moriarty killing someone was so two years ago.

"So, are you two over?" John asked, fiddling with his jacket zip.

"I guess so", I nodded, "Although he did seem really apologetic. Maybe he was-"

"Sherlock", John scolded me sternly.

"Sorry", I apologised quickly, "Yeah, yeah, we're definitely over".

My phone text ringtone started going off at that exact moment. I stared at the text from Moriarty.

Can you give me a lift homeeeeeeee?
-JM xxxxxxxxxxxx

I texted back.

What do you want?

A lift home, silly! I just said! Hahaha.
-JM xxxxxxx

Are you drunk?

I may have had a few shots...
-JM xxxxxxxxx

Well, it's none of my business anymore. You got yourself into this, you get yourself out of it. Goodbye, Moriarty.

Oh, sweetheart, don't be so moody! Please pick me up because the police will find out soon. I'm at that bar near my house.
-JM xxxxxxxxxxxx


-JM xxxxxxxxx


-JM sxxxxxxxxx


-JM <3 <3 <3

Ugh! Fine! But just this once.

I threw my phone on the counter with anger and got my coat.

"Where are you going?" John asked.

"To pick up an idiot", I sighed, walking out of the door.

I drove to the bar right near Moriarty's house that I had seen a couple of times and I found him staggering around outside.

I opened the door to his side.

"Get in", I demanded.

Moriarty smiled at me and got in next to me.

"I missed you", Moriarty laughed, obviously drunk out of his mind.

"Whatever", I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not going home", Moriarty pouted.

"Yes", I snapped, "Yes, you are".

"I'm noooot!" Moriarty sang in a high pitched voice, "I'm coming to your house".

"No, you're not", I sighed frustratedly.

I drove to Moriarty's house whilst he sang the alphabet numerous times, getting the letters mixed up.

"What's letter comes after Z?" Moriarty slurred out his words.

"Okay, we're here", I sighed, "Get out, walk into your house and pass out on your bed".

"I told you", Moriarty said, playing with his hair, "I'm not going to my house".

"Seriously, get out!" I snapped angrily.

"No, I shall not!" Moriarty shouted then he burst out laughing, "I'M NOT GOING IN MY HOUSE!"

"Oh, for goodness sake", I swear to God, I nearly punched him right then.

I drove backwards out of the car park outside his house and drove to my apartment.

"Yayyy!" Moriarty celebrated when he saw me parking outside my house.

He followed me into the apartment, up the stairs and into 221B. I practically dragged him into my room whilst John stared at us with utter confusion on his face. I dropped Moriarty on my bed and went to walk out of my room.

"Wait", Moriarty called out and I stopped, "Where are you going?"

"The sofa seeing as a complete fool is in my bed", I glared at him, "Just sleep and prepare for a headache in the morning".

"Sherlock?" Moriarty asked.

"What?" I asked, honestly losing the will to live.

"I loveeee youuu", Moriarty laughed before he passed out on the bed.

I stared at him for a few seconds before going back into the living room.

"What the hell?" John asked as I sat on the chair exhaustedly.

"He's wasted", I said.

"So, you voluntarily brought him back here?" John asked.

"Well, he'd probably get ran over if I left him", I admitted, "And, no matter how annoying he can be, I still wouldn't want him to get hurt".

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