Chapter Twenty Seven- "Just Call Him"

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"So, are you going to finally tell me why you ran out of the hospital like a lunatic earlier or not?" John nagged.

I slumped down on my chair and ignored John, going deep into though, too deep.

Maybe I shouldn't have stormed out like that. Was I being dramatic? I honestly can't believe that Jim would be faking our whole relationship in order to get revenge. But, then again, he was Jim Moriarty. And his biggest, most frustrating personal trait about himself is how unpredictable he is. He looked as if he was going to explain just before I walked out. I should have gave him a chance to speak. Although, I had just heard a message about him wanting to make me disappear from the face of the Earth so maybe it was quite reasonable and logical to walk out. Oh, I really hate him. But I do indeed love him.

I stared at Jim who was standing opposite me, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. His eyes were dead and his expression blank. Even though him standing before my very eyes was quite obviously just a figure of my imagination, I still treated him as if he were real. Sometimes it helped me work things out.

Jim raised his eyebrows at me and smirked as if he knew something I didn't.

"What?" I asked frustratedly.

"Nothing, my dear".

"You're looking at me like I've done wrong", I complained.

"Just because you haven't done something wrong, it doesn't mean that somebody else definitely has".

"Oh, what do you know?" I asked, annoyance emphasising itself in my voice, "You're not real. You're just in my head".

"Yes, but I think we all know that your mind palace is never wrong, am I correct?"

"I don't know anymore", I sighed, hopelessly.

"Just call him. Or go to his house, whatever, do something! Sherlock Holmes doesn't just sit around when there's an unsolved mystery out there. This is bigger than a case so go and fix it. In maybe an hour, you could find out that Moriarty was faking this whole thing and you will just want to cry and die in a lonely pit in the ground and never want to come out again".

"Well, that's helpful", I said sarcastically.

" about an hour, you could be all happy again and mentally slapping yourself for being so silly and jumping to conclusions".

"Can't you just tell me what's true or not?" I moaned.

"Honey, you know I'm not him. I'm imaginary. Now go and find your real love of your life and never let him go again".

"But what if-?"

Suddenly, the sound of a full shopping bag crashed to the floor and my mind palace was gone. I saw John groaning whilst glaring at the broken bag on the floor.

"Can you believe it?" John tutted, "I specifically asked for a double bag and what do I get? What do I bloody get?! ONE bag! One. Sodding. Bag".

I automatically stood up and pushed John out of the way, running quickly out of 221B and into my car. I have to see him.

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