Chapter Five- "I Wonder If Your Lips Are Numb Too"

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Breathing...Heavy breathing. Cold breath. Him. He's there. He's leaning over me. He's watching me. Me. Am I dead? No, no, no, I'm definitely alive. I just wasn't awake. No, wait, am I awake? I can feel his breath on me. I can't...move. Nor speak. But I can just about open my eyes.

I stared up at Moriarty who was staring right back down at me. I was laying on some sort of bed, my arms and legs numb from the injection.

"You just couldn't help yourself, couldn't you?" Moriarty spoke coldly, shooting me a heavy glare, "I did tell you not to come down here. But did you listen? You're making this very difficult on me. I never wanted to hurt you. And I don't intend on hurting you ever again. I just panicked. I was worried that you would tell someone and I would go to prison. No, they'll never find me. You wouldn't let them do that, right, Sherlock? You can't talk right now anyway. So, you'll just have to listen. You like listening to me, don't you? You may think you don't but you do. Because I entertain you. Who needs all your other little cases when you have me? I'm the biggest, baddest case you've ever tried to solve. But you can't solve me, can't you? I'm unsolvable. And that's why you are so intrigued by me. I mean, why did you come to my house? Because you can't get enough of me. You want me but you won't admit it".

"You know nothing", I found myself being able to speak again.

"Ooh, look who found their tongue", Moriarty smiled with his mouth but not his eyes, "You're tongue...I wonder what you're tongue would look like on a necklace".

"You're sick", I spat, "You just said you don't intend on hurting me".

"I won't hurt you", Moriarty said softly, "I was just wondering. Has the numbness worn of your legs yet?"

"No", I replied, "I can't feel them".

"How about your arms?" Moriarty asked and I watched him stroke my arm which angered me because I couldn't move it away.

"I could do anything I wanted to your arms and legs and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it", Moriarty said, looking amused.

He took my arm and inspected it. Then, he started kissing my arm over and over and over.

"You have such smooth skin", Moriarty purred, "I wonder if your lips are numb too".

I stared at him, only just realising how attractive this all was. I shocked myself by what I said next.

"Why don't you find out?" I asked, challengingly.

Moriarty seemed taken aback by my sudden change of mood.

"You-You would l-let me?" Moriarty stuttered, losing his confidence.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it, isn't there?" I asked.

"But would you...enjoy it if I did?" Moriarty asked.

"I don't even know what you're talking about doing", I lied.

"You do", Moriarty saw through me, "You know what I mean".

"Show me", I surprisingly said.

"I don't think you mean that", Moriarty said, looking quite nervous, "There's some kind of alcohol in the injection. You're drunk".

"Who cares?" I laughed, knowing that I was definitely intoxicated by the injection but that didn't stop me, "You should be taking advantage of me. Just do it. I don't care".

"O-Okay", Moriarty said shakily, both his voice and body trembling.

He slowly leant towards me, glancing at me curiously as to why I was acting so strange and flirty all of a sudden. To be honest, I don't know why I was acting like this either but I was enjoying it for some reason. It was definitely the injection.

I felt his lips gently press against mine with hesitation. My eyes automatically closed. If my head wasn't so numb, I would have leant forward because I wanted more. He was kissing me so lightly. Almost as if he didn't want to. Just before the kiss could get any more intimate, Moriarty suddenly pulled away and shook his head, looking regretful.

"No", Moriarty stood up, "This isn't-It's not-I didn't want it to-"

I squinted at him with suspicions as he couldn't get his words out properly and that never happened to him. He was always so confident and cocky. Now all I saw was a shy man who was too nervous to even speak.

"Um, when the numbness wears off, you can let yourself out", Moriarty said, not making any eye contact, "I'm sorry. About everything. About the injection. About the kiss. Just...sorry".

He nervously turned around and started walking, accidentally walking into the wall on the way out.

I just stayed lying there, wondering what on Earth had gotten into him.

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