Chapter Sixteen- "He Doesn't Need Anymore Distractions Right Now"

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"Get out of England, Moriarty. For your benefit and mine. Do you really want to go back to prison?"

I was on the phone talking to the man himself; Mycroft Holmes. He didn't threaten me at all. What harm could a man like him do?

"You and I both know that I will never leave", I smirked even though he couldn't see me, only hear me, "And I think we also both know that you won't tell anyone about our little phone call".

Silence on the other line...

"Won't you?" I snapped, angrily.

"Why shouldn't I?" Mycroft daringly asked.

I laughed silently at his courage.

"Because, Mycroft, if you do tell anyone, I will break you", I threatened, "And I don't just mean I'll kill you. I will rip you apart and make sure you feel it".

I heard Mycroft mockingly laugh which angered me.

"Is something amusing you?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I don't think you realise that, if I tell anyone, then you won't have time to 'break me' because you will have been arrested", Mycroft replied.

"Oh, how sweet", I pitifully cooed, "You think that they'll arrest me, you poor man. That is utterly preposterous! They will never find me!"

"Fine", Mycroft snapped, "Have it your way. But what's in it for me if I don't tell?"

"Your brother stays safe", I said, but of course I would never hurt Sherlock anyway.

"Are you associating with him?" Mycroft asked.

"No, he doesn't know I'm alive", I lied.

"Good", Mycroft said, "He doesn't need anymore distractions right now".

"And why is that?" I asked, getting bored of the conversation now.

"Because he's finally found a girlfriend and nobody should mess that up", Mycroft said before hanging up.

I stayed silent but the phone made a high pitched beeping noise signalling that the other line was dead. I slowly put the phone down and I stood up, my eyes squinted with curiosity and confusion. He was wrong. Obviously, Sherlock couldn't have a girlfriend. He's with me. Me!

Mycroft had obviously gone mad to think that Sherlock had some kind of girlfriend. Well, there was only one way to find out.

"Hello?" Sherlock's voice spoke on the other line.

I hadn't even realised that I was dialling his number as I was thinking. I knew it off by heart anyway.

"Hello", I spoke, unable to make my voice sound anything other than pissed off.

"Jim?" Sherlock asked, "What's wrong?"

"So, I've just been speaking to your brother", I informed him, "I think he's completely lost it".

"Why?" Sherlock asked.

I started laughing.

"Well, he's got some ridiculous idea that you've got a girlfriend", I laughed again, "Which is obviously not true. Right?"

He remained silent. I bit my lip nervously.

"Right?!" I asked worriedly.

"Look, Jim-" Sherlock started but I cut him off by angrily slamming the phone down and hanging up.

What the hell?! Did this mean that he was cheating on me all this time? Or maybe it was because we weren't even properly together. Well, I thought that we were. But maybe Sherlock didn't. Maybe he thought it was some kind of fling. Maybe Sherlock Holmes is a complete and utter idiot and maybe I should have never even fell for him in the first place!

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