Chapter Fifteen- "He's Manipulating You"

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"Right, I guess I need to go back home", Moriarty sighed, looking quite disappointed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because if someone comes over and sees me, I'm dead", Moriarty explained, "Plus, I have a very busy schedule to drink water and sleep all day".

"Right", I nodded slightly.

"Don't look so disappointed, darling", Moriarty smirked, "I'll be back".

I shot him a glare at the word 'darling' but made my angry eyes change into soft ones when he planted a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Bye, Sherlock", Moriarty smiled a real, genuine smile for once and walked to the door.

"Bye, Moriarty", I said back.

"Oh, and for the record, now that we', you don't have to refer to me by my last name anymore", he added.

"Okay. Bye, Jim", I smirked.

"That's more like it", he winked before leaving the apartment.

And then he was gone. And, before I even knew it, John was back.

"I just saw your 'boyfriend' leaving", John muttered, looking slightly annoyed.

"John", I sighed, "Please don't get mad at me".

"I'm not mad", John shook his head.

I gave him a long stare until his eventually gave in.

"Okay, I'm mad", John admitted.

"I knew it", I said, "Why?"

"I'm mad because, after everything he's done to you, me, every other person in the world, you'll just willingly allow how to manipulate you into a fake relationship", John moaned.

"Who said anything about our relationship being fake?" I snapped, cringing at myself for nearly shouting.

"Me!" John snapped back angrily, "I did! And it's true. He's manipulating you, Sherlock. Can't you see?"

"Manipulating me into what exactly?" I asked.

"In a way that makes you do what he says, you see?" John asked, desperately trying to explain, "If you fall in love with him, he'll be able to order you around. And, before you know it, you'll probably be just like him; killing people! Making people's lives miserable, maybe one day even mine".

"You're wrong", I shook my head, "You're wrong!"

"I might be", John confessed, "But what if I'm not?"

"Well, anyway, it's not even your place to say", I argued, pathetically.

"I know, I know", John sighed, looking guilty, "I'm sorry for bringing it up. I'm just trying to protect you, okay? Just forget that I ever said anything".

"No, I'm sorry for getting so defensive", I apologised sincerely, "It's just...oh, I don't know, I don't want to believe that he's still this devil that everyone makes him out to be. Maybe he's changed, John".

"Maybe he has", John agreed but he still didn't look convinced.

"Well, thanks for the warning anyway", I nodded awkwardly.

"No problem", John replied.

Let's just hope that what John said was the exact opposite of mine and Jim's (I was going to have to get used to calling him by his first name) dilemma.

Frozen Kisses (Jim Moriarty x Sherlock Holmes)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt