Chapter Thirty Six- "You're Going To Be Okay"

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One hour earlier...


John had left about ten minutes ago. To be perfectly honest, I felt a tiny bit guilty because he was Sherlock's best friend after all. But the nerve he must have had to actually ask me, no tell me, to break up with Sherlock.

I half wanted Sherlock to come home and half didn't. The half of me that wanted him to come home was pleading to see him again. He had been gone for hours and I craved his presence. The other half of me that didn't want him to come home was worrying about how he would react to what I did to John.

I sat there for fifteen minutes, just thinking about how to explain. I could be completely truthful and tell him how much I really hated John or that I needed to shut him up and then maybe he would respect my honesty. Or I could protect our relationship by telling a small lie and I could just say that it was just anger from all the stress and that I regretted it and that I was really sorry. But that would risk him finding out which could very well happen. It's Sherlock Holmes, the most intelligent detective ever. Of course he would be able to deduce that I was lying. So, I decided on telling the truth. Little did I know, that wouldn't even matter anymore soon.

Then, at that moment, there was a knock at the door. It couldn't have been Sherlock because why would he knock when he lived here? Plus, his knocks weren't as angry and aggressive as this one. But, at that time, I didn't really think too much about it.

I stood up to answer it but I wish I didn't. In front of my very eyes stood my former friend, Sebastian Moran, my sniper man and one of the most dangerous men I had known. Back then, that was why I liked him so much. I had only just remembered the previous phone call we had about my refusal to kill Sherlock. He didn't look to happy.

"Uh...Sebastian", I stuttered, "What are you doing here?"

"Why?" Sebastian pushed past me and made his way into the house, "Aren't you pleased to see an old friend?"

"I haven't seen you in years", I followed him into the living room, feeling terrifyingly familiar talking to him like this face-to-face again, "You can't really blame me for being a bit taken aback".

"Very true", Sebastian nodded, picking up random ornaments, inspecting them and putting them down again, "So, I'm just going to ask you because I think we're finished with the small talk, wouldn't you agree?"

"I suppose so", I played along.

"Why the sudden changed opinion on Sherlock Holmes?" Sebastian asked, looking me coldly in the eyes.

My heart sped up at the mention of his name. I found it difficult to answer.

"Come on, James", Sebastian knew I hated him using my real name, "You can tell me".

"There's no reason", I swallowed nervously, "I just...don't do that anymore".

"Well, now I know that you're lying", Sebastian smirked knowingly, "Tell me the truth".

"That is the truth", I lied.

"No", Sebastian shook his head with amusement, "I think you're sleeping with him".

"What?!" I automatically asked, shocked that he would even think that (even though he was right but it was so much more than sex), "What makes you say that?"

"This", he harshly grabbed the jacket of my suit, "I recall you only ever wore the grey Westwood when you went to see him. Are you seeing him today?"

"No", I tried to pull his arm off my suit with annoyance but he only gripped tighter.

"Yes, you are", he studied my face, "And you saw him yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that".

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