Chapter Seventeen- "I've Got This All Wrong, Haven't I?"

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I bit my lip nervously as Jim hung up the phone. Why did he hang up? He didn't even listen to me properly. Right, then. If he's not going to listen to me on the phone, then he'll have to listen to me in person.

I put on my signature coat and left the apartment, making my way to Jim's mansion. As soon as I got to the front door, I angrily knocked three times on the door. He answered in less than fifteen seconds. He looked messed up, as if someone had just told him that he was going to die.

"What are you doing here?" Jim muttered.

"Thanks for hanging up on me!" I snapped sarcastically, "You've really pissed me off".

Jim looked shocked and taken aback by my anger. But then he started laughing. I stared at him as if he was utterly insane. Who knows? Maybe the man was utterly insane.

"You're pissed off at me?!" Jim pointed his hand to his chest dramatically, "You're the one who's been cheating on me all this time!"

Now it was my turn to look shocked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked in outrage, "If you'd actually given me a chance to continue, you would've realised how stupid you've been. I don't have a bloody girlfriend, you idiot! Mycroft misunderstood. I said that I was in a relationship but obviously I couldn't say it was the missing criminal that everyone's looking for, couldn't I?"

Jim remained silent, looking down at the floor.

"I've got this all wrong, haven't I?" Jim sighed.

"Just a bit", I folded my arms.

"Sorry..." Jim said insincerely.

"I don't care", I spat, stepping into the doorframe angrily.

He stepped back, surprised by my annoyance.

"You shouldn't just jump to conclusions without actually listening to me", I argued, "Do you really think that I'd be so unfaithful to just go ahead and get myself a random girl?"

I stepped towards him, feeling even madder. He took multiple steps back until his body hit the wall. He gulped and for the first time I had ever noticed, James Moriarty looked scared. But I just couldn't stop myself. It felt good to be in control for once.

"And then you have the nerve to hang up on me?" I asked through gritted teeth, "And you wouldn't even listen to me in the first place. That's the thing about you. You never ever listen! Why do you think-"

Before I could say anything else, Jim unexpectedly crashed his lips into mine whilst intensely grabbing the back of my head to urge me forward. After a few long seconds, I pulled back breathlessly.

"What are you doing?!" I asked with surprise at his sudden mood change.

Jim grabbed my collar and continued to kiss me deeply.

"You're just so hot when you're angry", he murmured in between kisses.

I wanted to slap him and storm out. But the irresistible way he slid his tongue in my mouth and the way his hands slipped around my waist forced me to stay and kiss him back.

I wanted to take him upstairs and make things get more heated. I wanted to finally give in to his body. I wanted to just have one amazingly, heated, hot, steamy-

My phone started to ring, interrupting our make out session against the wall.

I sighed frustratedly.

"I swear to God, if that's John-" Jim moaned.

"Then, I'll tell him I'm busy", I smirked, looking at the caller ID, "It's Lestrade".

I answered the phone hastily.

"Sherlock?" Lestrade spoke, "We've got a brilliant case for you".

"Oh, can it wait?" I whined, "I'm...occupied at the moment".

"Alright, I'll just tell them that you don't care where Moriarty is", Lestrade muttered.

"Wait, what?!" I asked, suddenly intrigued.

"We know where Moriarty is", Lestrade said seriously, "Well, we think we do. Be here in half an hour?"

I have Jim an apologetic look.


I hung up the phone.


"No, I'm sorry but I have to", I interrupted him.

"Why?" Jim asked, "What is it?"

"I'm going to go and save your freedom", I stated proudly.

Frozen Kisses (Jim Moriarty x Sherlock Holmes)Where stories live. Discover now