Chapter 26

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Im writing this from a phone *long sigh*

Zih ,

"Jesus , I just don't understand . Why would Karti kill Jose . He was one of your most trusted conrads and a uncle to him."

I spoke while sitting across from Karti's dad.

"He didn't Zih. Yeah even with the incident with Gee , I know he wouldn't have done such a thing. but evidence is pointing to him and their using this whole situation with Gee a motive. Dont worry about nothing. I'll take care of everything."

Looking into Jesus eyes I could tell he was trying to grasp the whole situation as well . Karti , his soon has been sitting in a cell for almost 3 weeks for killing his best friend. Which we all know wasnt true.


I replied and stood up walking out of the study.

Kartion and I have been staying at either Jesus or my dads house . with extra security . Times like this , no one was to be trusted . None of us could understand nor figure out who was actually playing a role and set Karti up .

After showering I quickly drifted of to sleep. With only 3 hours of sleep under my belt , the alarm clock woke me up.


I slowly got out of bed and into the shower . After lotioning I pulled on a loose fitting sweater and a pair of dark denim jeans . I decided on a pair of butter for my shoes. I wasn't in the mood to be looking good going into anyone's jail. Prushing my hair into a loose bun , I grabbed my purse and proceeded out the door.

Jet , one of Jesuses personal bodyguards excorted me outside in the Black Excalade and accompanied me on the 3 hour trip.

We arrived at the correctional facility a little after 10am.

Getting searched and frisked more then twice , I was finally sitting across from Karti .

"Wassup bae ?"

He asked, smiling making me blush .

"Under these circumstances nothing is 'wassup' . How's everything?"

I asked taking his hands in mine.

"As good as it's going to get. Im fine. Don't worry about me. Everything will work out."

He smirked . guess he talked to his dad.

"So the case . . ." I trailed on.

"What about it? They only have a few of my finger prints in his office and they couldve been there a while back. The nigga was like my uncle." his nose flared. he was upset. "They have no witnesses. No real hard evidence. No gun. Just two little ass prints. Plus when they searched the house they didn't even have a official search warrant. Zih don't worry about nothing. I'll be home soon."

I just nodded my head. For the remainder of the visit we talked about Kartion , Gee's recovery , what he needed me to do , which hidden accounts to use to pay for things and moving the money out the safes in taking it else where.

Before I knew it , the guards were signaling to everyone that visiting hours were over.

Karti and I shared a deep kiss before we parted ways . This time I didnt cry on the way home like i did so many other times . I had shit to do.

"Jet can we make a stop at my house please ."


Once at the house , Jet and I emptied the two closet safes , the two in floor safes but I couldn't find the last two. I know their in the wall but where.

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