Not you! The Moon!

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They ended the skype, and joined their own calls. They raced to their side of the dome.


"Hey Olivia! I found diamond!" Justice screamed. It was seven minutes in.

"Sweet!" She teleported to her. She began to mine the diamond, but was interrupted by Jordan.

"Ah! Skeleton!" Jordan ran past the both of them, a skeleton on his tail. An arrow hit Olivia, and she fell into lava.

"Ah! Darn you Jordan!" He chuckled, as Justice killed the skeleton. She turned and then killed Jordan.


"You deserved it." She had an evil grin.


Vanilla, Noel, Grace, and The Deets began to kill chickens. Nat walked up to them, with a pig following her.

"I found some wheat! Jeffery likes me!" Vanilla walked up to the pig and killed it.

"Nooooo! Jeffrey!" Nat grieved.

"Now give me the wheat."

''You cruel person!"


Calvin gathered wood while Vergil, Tom, Kat, and Rachel began to build their fort.

"There's a creeper over there!" He screamed.

"I'm a comn' I'm a comn'!" Tom said. He teleported to the tree.

"Where is he?" He said.

"Right behind you!" Calvin screamed.

"Oh no."


Bree was mining iron with Joe when a zombie attacked them.

"Ah!" Bree lost five hearts before Joe killed it. Then more and more spawned.

"Not good." Bree whispered.


In the chat bar, it showed Bree and Joe had been killed be zombies.

"Woopsy." Gaby laughed. Nikki began to panic.

"One minute left! One minute left!" She screamed.

"Ok ok. No need to panic." Kate said. They climbed up their fort. It had a wall of lava on both sides, with the obsidian in the center. They were ready.


Ashlee, Cierra, and The Moon were in the lead as Vanilla's team race toward Vergil's fort.

"So, what's the plan?" Ashlee asked.

"Well, we surround their fort, and shoot arrows.'' The Moon replied.

''That's it?" The two said.

"You got any ideas?'' They both shock their head.


"Ah! They're shooting arrows!" Honey Bunches screamed.

"Don't panic! Don't panic!" Olivia had a quiver in her voice. Then The Moon shot her with an enchanted bow, and was shot of the fort. She hadn't had time to put on her armor, and immediately died when she hit the ground.

"Adam! Dang it!" She screamed. Her brother opened the door to her room.

"What I do?" He asked.

"Not you! The Moon!" He giggled and shut the door.

"What do we do?! The Snow Girl's down!" Vergil screamed. Arrows continued to fly.

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