I'm going to love this.

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They drove for a half an hour before arriving to their new home. After they drove up a steep gravel road, they turned to a private lane and was greeted by a dark brown dog. She was very old, with white in her face. She had a limp in her hip, but ran faster then the two of them together as they tried to beat the dog to the house.

"Ah, you... Can't be serious!" Olivia panted. Adam parked the jeep at the end of their drive way and had the moving van begin to unload everything while they checked out the house.

"I know! The owners told me that the dog's 91 years old dog years!"

Olivia stopped. Adam abruptly slowed down as the dog ran ahead.

"We're keeping him?" She put her hands on her knees.

"Actually, her. Hershey. She's lived here all her life, and her owners moved into the city. She wouldn't have been able to take the move."

"I've always wanted a dog!" Olivia began to walk.

"I hope you wanted cats too." He walked beside her.

"What? Wouldn't the dog chase the cats or something?" She stopped.

"The cats have known Hershey all their lives. The owners told me they liked to snuggle together. Especially the grey one. Odie." He put his arm around her.

"I'm going to love this." She smiled.

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