Chapter 44

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Make sure y'all comment! I love it when my boo's comment. This is the last chapter. Love y'all :).

Homecoming Part 2

Shay POV
*Days Later*

Today was my homecoming party, courtesy of Alisha and my boo of course.

It was an all silver and white party, suggestion of Carter.

I feel like today was going to be a very special day for some reason... And I was waken up with breakfast in bed 😊

I also came home to a whole nother set of gifts from Carter.

Thousands and thousands of dollars in presents of course just scattered all over my room... Smh.

We were arguing about me keeping them still but I'll wait until later to finish our harmless debate.

I was currently getting ready in my room.

It feels like I haven't been here in forever.

I smiled to myself at the thought of Carter.

I knew I made the right decision to be with him as soon as I made it.

These past days with him have been the best days of my whole life... Not that the past year with him was bad but this kind of love was so different. I have never experienced it before.

His love was....






And Real.

The list went on and on and I couldn't ask for more.

He was mine and I was his....

Now I got to say nasty things to him instead of just tell Alisha about it :).

The past couple of days have also been a huge confession to eachother too.

I didn't know that he was in love with me for SUCH a longtime and he didn't know that when I didn't want him to leave at night to go do his street thing, I would fall asleep on him purposely at certain times of the night so he wouldn't go, just because I know he hates moving me or leaving me when I'm asleep.

I thought of the letter he wrote me when I was in the hospital.

The way he explained how much he loved me, the way he explained how much he cared, the way he explained how much I truly meant to him...

Really touched my heart.

I had no idea exactly his much if an impact I had on his life overall.

And when he slowly kissed my scar and bare chest the other night....

I tried to hold the tears back at the thought as I continued getting ready in my bathroom.

I had on a long white sundress.

It had shiny, silver chevron arrows pointing downwards... I added a light blue, almost white colored long sleeve shirt so nobody could see my bruises or my wrist brace.

I covered the rest of my visible bruises with makeup.

I'm a pro at it.

I still have physical therapy of course but I can finally take showers by myself and I don't have to wear my vest anymore 😌

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