Nine Boys...- Epilogue

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    The thick oak doors moved and two men walked in. They entered the dark room that was only lit by four torches stuck into the stone cavern’s walls. The two were joining three that were already within this secret room.

    “What is this all about? I had a female to shag tonight!” One threw himself on one of the thick chairs that was heavily carved with vines and trees. He placed his booted feet up onto the table before him without a care in the world.

    Golden hazel eyes frowned at him by the Alpha across the table from him with dark sandy blonde hair. “I called this meeting for a reason, Thomas. What I have to tell you all is of upmost importance and must not leave this room.”

    Thomas frowned. “That’s Alpha Savage. Have you already forgotten that I took over for my father?”

    The Alpha glared at him. “Yet you show no desire for anything but females.”

    Thomas shrugged. “Nothing really matters except continuing the line at the moment.”

    The Alpha stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. “What if I told you all that a royal exists?”

    The four looked at him in disbelief. Thomas slowly removed his feet from the table and placed his palms on the table. “We’ve all been looking for them. They don’t exist or we would have found them. My father would have found them if they had lived past that awful night.” The others nodded.

    The Alpha smiled sitting down and placed his elbows on the armrests of his seat with his hands folded together resting them on his lips. “But one does exist. Two actually.”

    The four glanced between each other. “Two royals?”

    The Alpha smiled and nodded. “Yes Marco. Two very young yet strong royals. One that was able to command without the use of their eyes.”

    All four jaw hung in disbelief. The one to the Alpha’s right shook himself out of his awe. “But that doesn’t mean that they are royal, Stark.” Then he frowned. “How do you know this?”

    Stark smiled relaxing and snapped his fingers. The door opened and a young man came in with a bottle of wine and five glasses. The young man sat down the bottle in front of Stark and each glass in front of each of the five Alphas.

    Once the young man was gone and the door closed, Stark poured himself a glass of red wine. “You all know that I was called to be on a Council of Nine for two rogues who finally saw justice.”

    He swirled the wine for a few seconds before he took a deep breathe. His eyes closed for the moment he took in the sweet and tart scent. When he opened his eyes, he took in each and everyone of the Alphas before him. All felt the same way he did about a royal. Now they’ve found one.

    “The two royals had been the ones who managed to survive their time with the Killer Nappers.”

    “So we know where they are?” Stark looked to the one on his left and nodded. The Alpha looked down before he spoke again. “Will they be safe there?”

    “I believe so.” Stark spoke over the rim of his glass before he fully lounged into his seat. “The question we have to ask now is, what we will do next?” They all looked at each other without an answer.

Nine Boys... Then There's Me. {A Royal Wolves Story #1&2}Where stories live. Discover now