Nine Boys...- Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

~~Mason’s Point Of View~~

    I looked down at the huge bottle of water in my hand. A few minutes ago, Falic had left Nina’s room looking very satisfied. I figured the poor girl needed something to drink. So here I was, getting her something to drink.

    Opening the door to her room, I see the state Falic left her in. Battered, bruised both physically and sexually. Falic was a bit rougher when it came to sex. He doesn’t know how to be gentle with his little toys. Not like I can. I had just wanted a fuck. Falic wanted something to fill him with gratification. Beating up a female did that for him.

    I walked over and set the bottle down on the nightstand next to the wire-framed queen sized bed. Next I hoisted her up so she sat leaning against the headboard. She whimpered against the gag because of the pain.

    Grabbing the water again, I unscrewed the cap off. “Don’t do anything stupid, got it? Or you’ll force me to shrew you again.” She stiffly nodded agreeing not to do anything.

    I slowly removed the gagged from her mouth. I didn’t give her much of a chance to do much as I placed the bottle to her lips and forced her to drink. She coughed a few times, but managed to get most of the water down.

    I pulled away and gave her a chance to breathe. “Why?” Her voice was weak as her head tilted up to me.

    “You know why. I told you last night. I’m giving back to my daughter that which you stole.”

    She moved her head away when I brought the bottle back to her lips. “Do you even know anything about us?” She looked at me while she was still blindfolded. “Can you even imagine what we are?”

    I scowled. “You’re nothing. A flee in the way of a mighty wolf. I’m here to squash you between my fingers. So what if I get pleasure before it happens.”

    Her lips went into a thin line. “Release me!” I bowed my head slightly at the command. Thank god she’s still blindfolded. The power was diminished greatly without the intensity of her eyes. Even so, my hand shook as it unwillingly rose to her blindfold.

    My eyes grew wide as I saw her eyes. I know her eyes were blue as some wolves had blue human eyes, but these weren’t her human eyes. No. The glowing eyes before me were that of her wolf. Her ROYAL WOLF!

    Before she could utter the command again, I was out of the room. My lungs unable to take in the air fast enough. My chest was heavy and my body a little weak.

    Shit. Shit. SHIT!!

    This can’t be real. They cannot be royals. Royals were all dead. Killed before my grandfather was born. None had survived or so we were all told.

    But I couldn’t deny what was right before my eyes. They were royal. I had painfully raped a royal. My hands going to my mouth and stomach. I was going to be sick. I had raped her and let a rogue rape her. I was lower than low.

    I stumbled my way to the closest bathroom and puked. I had to. I was sick with what I had done. It hadn’t been right. I knew it and I had done it anyways. I had been blinded to the truth till now.

    Laying there sprawled out on the floor, I thought. There was nothing I could do to make this right. Did Clare even know about this? No one does but the Alpha and his family. That must have been why he worried over her. Why he never taught her her place. She was in her place. Never behind us, but ahead of us all.

    Getting up, I went to the room the boy was in. The Foxtern brothers were in the main room sleeping. It maybe two in the afternoon outside, but we’ve all been up since yesterday. They were finally sleeping for a time.

Nine Boys... Then There's Me. {A Royal Wolves Story #1&2}Where stories live. Discover now