Nine Boys...- Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

    Wednesday was better than Tuesday by far. Claw joked around with me and the guys. He was excited about the meet after school. I was so happy to see him starting to get used to being here. That he was starting to strike a balance knowing how split my time was between so many.

    It wasn't till lunch that things got quite interesting. We walked in and stopped. My brother frowned at me with worry in his eyes. "Whose that crying all over Daemon?"

    The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end seeing Clare so close to Daemon. "That would be Clare. You remember what I told you about her."

    Claw frowned as he nodded and helped me over to the table. Daemon was frowning as he looked at me. Clare looked up and then pulled away from him before rising and pulling both my brother and me into a tight hug crying her eyes out. I was stunned and very shocked that she was like this.

    I looked at Daemon and he sighed. "Today is the anniversary of her mom's funeral." His voice wasn't very high. Only those at our table and us could hear.

    My good leg started to ache and I grabbed my brother's shirt. He looked at me and nodded stiffly. He pulled Clare against him as he looked straight at Daemon who seemed to get the message. Daemon got up and came to my rescue. Clare was oblivious to me being taken away and my brother, though he was being brave, looked utterly in pain at holding a blubbering girl. It was torturing me just watching it not to mention feeling it in our twin way.

    Daemon helped me to sit down and held me. My brother coaxed Clare into a seat next to him. Daemon kept his arms around me as if I was his talisman to ward off Clare's advances. I was more than happy to be.

    "She's like this every year for the past five years." Daemon whispered into my ear.

    I frowned braking away from the scene and looked at Daemon. "How did her mom died?" My voice was just a whisper as I didn't want Clare to hear me asking.

    He frowned. "Rogues killed her. Clare was the one who found her mother. Her dad went into a rage hunting down the rogue himself and killing it barehanded. Neither was the same after that. Mason turned angry. Clare became..."

    I touched his lips with the tips of my fingers. "I get it." My eyes went back to Clare seeing her a bit differently. Somehow knowing how similar we were, I didn't feel a kin to her. I just couldn't put my finger on it, but I still didn't like her.

    "Thankfully she's not all over me so much this year." Daemon grimaced. "After school she had always wanted sex. I think it was to try and ease the pain of not having her mom. Sex is her escape."

    My frown deepened. I knew people were different when they handled grieving, but sex as an escape? My mind couldn't wrap around that concept.

    Five years. That would have made Clare about twelve or thirteen. At the start of puberty. To start having those urges at that time and not have your mother could explain it. I don't know what I would have done without my mom to help me understand what was happening to me.

    God. I remember when I had my first period. I ran to my mom crying and it took a good ten minutes before I could tell her where I was bleeding. All I could tell her was that there was blood. She was beyond worried.

    My dad and my brother were out with Sarah to the store. We had been baking for a party at Sarah's school when we ran out of some ingredients. Sarah insisted on going so she can make sure the boys got what we needed.

    I had gone to the bathroom to pee and that's when I saw the blood. My hands had shook the whole way back to the kitchen. Tears streaming down my face blurring my vision.

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