Nine Boys...- Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

    My dreams were not pleasant. I dreamed of the time my family had gone camping. My sister, Sarah, was four years old and a very adventurous little girl too. Me and my brother were eight. My dad had been so excited for us to be out in the wilderness.

    Dad had asked me to get firewood while he was carrying the rest of the stuff from the car, Nick was starting to set up the tents, and Mom was watching Sarah so she didn't get hurt. I didn't mind getting firewood for us. In fact, I thought it would be fun.

    The first set of wood was easy enough to get and bring back to the campsite. It was during the second run for wood that changed our weekend. I had four branches in my arms when I heard a threatening growl. My head jerked around to see a rust color wild wolf looking right at me. Its eyes were glowing dangerously.

    The branches in my arms fell to the ground as I slowly backed up. The wolf matched me step for step. I knew it was centered on me. I was its prey at the moment.

    My heart was racing and knew I didn't have much time before it strikes me. In one swift motion, I turned on my heels and started to run back to my family. I got three long strides before teeth sank into my calf. A scream ripped out of my mouth as the pain overwhelmed me and the wolf growled in satisfaction.

    "NINA!" I heard Nick's voice shout to me.

    I lifted my head to him and then covered my head as another wolf was barreling over to me. My only thought at that moment was that I was just about to die. Wolf meat. Who would have thought that was how I was about to die?

    But the pain of the second wolf came. Instead the pain from the first wolf's bite lessened as its teeth vanished. The weight of the first wolf was gone too. I couldn't hear him growling either.

    I looked behind me to see the two wolves fighting. I got to really see the second wolf and actually liked the coat of it. The pure black wolf seemed bigger and stronger than the first. It looked to be winning their fight too. Its eyes were a crystal blue that was shocking against the black coat.

    "Nina! Oh my god!" Nick shouted in shock when he saw me. His hands immediately going to my leg. Dad had taught us some field medic training just in case something happened while we camped. He may have never been in the military, but he knew a lot about being a field medic from what I had seen.

    Nick took his shirt off and ripped it into pieces before he ripped my pants along the the holes so he could see the bite on my leg. Folding a piece of his shirt, Nick pressed it into my wound. My head started to feel dizzy from the blood loss and the pain. Nick tried talking to me to keep me conscious, but even that wasn't helping while he wrapped a strip around the folding pieces on my leg. He was trying to stem the blood so I don't loss any more.

    "How is she?" I heard my dad's voice and tried to open my eyes to see him. I couldn't so I whimpered.

    "I don't know. She's still blooding." Nick's voice shook and sound thick with tears that I had no doubt were down his cheeks.

    "You've done very well son. We just need to get her some more help." My dad put his arms under me and lifted me up. I frowned internally because he didn't have a shirt on. His voice was even rougher than normal, as if something thick coated his throat.

    They both rushed us back to camp. My mom was hysterical when she saw me but soon calmed with one word from my dad. She picked up Sarah and followed. We left everything there as they ran to the car.

    Nick held me in the car as we were in the back seat. Sarah sat on my mom's lap in the front passenger seat as my father gunned it down the road. He even ignored the flashing lights that trailed us. He was racing to get me to a hospital.

Nine Boys... Then There's Me. {A Royal Wolves Story #1&2}Where stories live. Discover now