Nine Boys...- Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

~~Daemon's Point Of View~~

    I chuckled waking up. Nina was draped over my chest with her paws on my shoulders. Her head was pressed against my cheek and she was breathing into my ear. I had each of my brothers on either side of me.

    Nina breathed deep before stretching and lifted her head. I lifted up and kissed her snout. "Morning my beauty."

    She licked my cheek as I felt her tail beat against my leg. I laughed startling my brothers awake. They made a grumbling sound and flopped over trying to get comfortable enough to fall back to sleep.

    I tapped Nat's nose and he humphed shaking his head. "Time to get up you two. We have school today." The two grumbled more moving off the bed after they nudged Nina in a way of saying good morning to her.

    My eyes went to Nina after they closed her door using the curved handle all our doors had. "I think it’s time you turned back to your human form." She tilted her head to the side and I knew she wondered how. I smiled pulling the silk sheet my dad had wrapped her in earlier and draped it over her after I slid her down to the silk bedding. "It's actually easier than you might think. Just close your eyes and just let yourself go. Think of your human self letting the tingles wash over your body. Your body will do all of the work."

    I sat on the side of her bed as she did as I instructed. A few grunts came out from her throat as her body twisted and shifted to its former form. It was my duty to make sure she remained covered while her body changed again. Though it would have been wonderful to see her completely oh-natural naked body, she would kill me if I hadn't covered her up. How could I show her that I want more than her body without honoring her like this?

    Her breathes were ragged and deep as she laid sprawled out under the silk sheet after she was her beautiful human self again. Her amber hair wavy as it spread out along the silk bedding. Her hands twitching from the exertion to change and the aftermath. Her arms out above her head with her hair laying both over and under her arms.

    Blinking, her breathing leveled out once the affects wore off. Her eyes traveled to me and I smiled. A blushed spread across her face when she realized she was bare under the sheet. Shock filled my face when the next second I found myself falling off her bed and thudded against the floor.

    A booming laugh thrusted up and out from my gut as I laid on my back. Nina ran to her bathroom with the sheet wrapped tightly around her. "Don't worry baby, I covered you to protect your virtue."

    I heard a tired giggle from within the bathroom. "Thank you, but could you give me a little privacy?"

    Getting up, I went over to the door. Placing my hand on the door smiling. "Of course. I'll see you downstairs for breakfast." I closed my eyes for a second before a sigh slipped my lips and I left her room giving her a bit of privacy that she had requested. Take it a step at a time till we were together as we should be.

~~Nina's Point Of View~~

    It took me some time before I could compose myself. My back to the bathroom door. I had felt his hand on the door as if he had placed it on me. For a split second I wanted to open the door and throw my arms around him. Make him stay just for a moment holding me. For him to ease the last of the trembling in my body from the change back.

    But in the same moment I needed time to wrap my mind around what I really was. That I wasn't normal as if I ever was. That all the things my dad had told me and hinted at became clearer. Though he didn't outright tell me what we were, he made sure it wasn't such a shock when I did find out. The look of pain at not being able to tell me the truth.

    My eyes traveled up to the mirror and I blushed seeing the sheet fluttered around my body. My body looked a little different now. My muscles looked bigger and stronger yet toned. My cheeks reddened slightly seeing my my bust was fuller and my waist tinier. My legs longer and more shapely. I didn't just change into a wolf, but look more mature in my human form. I had changed in two ways.

Nine Boys... Then There's Me. {A Royal Wolves Story #1&2}Where stories live. Discover now