Nine Boys...- Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Walking into Nina’s room, my hope again inked out a little more. She still laid there on her bed. Her bruises yellowing just a tad bit more from the last time I saw her. You would have thought she would have been completely healed now that the drug wasn’t in her system, but her body is taking longer to get back to normal.

    “Why won’t she wake?” I frowned at Ian as he sat in the chair next to her bed. His hands pinching his chin as I always found him when Daemon had to be away.

    I placed my hand on his shoulder. “She’s not ready. Her soul needs to mend more before she’ll come around to deal with the mental wounds.”

    He rose and went to her window. “But it’s been a week.” He turned to me. “A WEEK!” Tears threatening to spill over his cheek at any second.

    “I know. We’re all worried about her.”

    “I want to wring their necks right now for leaving her in this state.”

    “We all do. If they hadn’t beaten her as much as she did or drugged her, she wouldn’t have contracted pneumonia when she and her brother escaped.” I looked at Nina. “I was shocked when I came back to find that half of those I left were gone taking Nina to the hospital. She was that close to dying.”

    I snapped my head over to the wall next to the window. Ian had punched a hole in the wall. “She did die for a second. The human doctors managed to bring her back.”

    I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulders. “Calm down.” I had to get him to cool his anger so Nina didn’t wake at a fright with him upset. “You wouldn’t want her to wake with you like this. You don’t want to scare her off the start.”

    He took a deep breathe and calmed himself. “How is the trial going?”

    I chuckled tightly as we went over to Nina. I sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand onto my lap. My heart praying she’d actually wake. To finally come out of this forever slumber.

    “The representatives for the other families who weren’t so lucky are still telling their stories of their lost loved ones. The list is long. The Council of Nine are listening intently to every detail.”

    The Council of Nine. Nine Alphas chosen to oversee any trial a wolf has been brought forward to stand in that span several packs. Normally as Alpha myself, I would have been on the council. All the Alphas are ones with power and respect behind them. It was a great honor to be on the council and I’ve been a constant on it till now. But as I am the head of one of the offended families, I couldn’t be on the council.

    Daemon was there with the council right now filling the seat Nina would be in if she were awake. He was sitting next to Claw listening to everything. As her mate, he had the right to be there to call for the rogues’ deaths. Right now he is demonstrating great restraint as he glares at the rogues which he has done since he first saw the rogues.

    Bethany was there too. She was sitting with her mate and helping him through this. They’ve barely been away from each other. She was helping Claw to deal with what happened and keeping him together during the trial.

    Most of my sons were at the trial too. Nick was the only one of my sons not at the trial. He was up in the attic right now looking at Nina’s photo album. He has refused to go anywhere but to sit in here with Nina sometimes begging her to wake up. He was taking it as hard as Daemon and Claw.

    Everyone but Nick had held Daemon back when the rogues were brought in thrashing around before the whole family. Nick just looked down at Nina ignoring everything around him. He sank to his knees placing a hand on her boot as the others forced Daemon to the floor. I saw him begging her silently to be okay.

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