Chapter 48: Hospital

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I sat there and held her hand as we both cried. My parents and siblings were not there, it was just my grandmother and I, and the guards. Irrelevant. We talked in Spanish, and I told her how I was attending school in Oregon (because I was enrolled, school starts in two weeks). She asked me why I didn't say goodbye, and I didn't have an answer all I could do was sit there and cry and apologize. The guards were in the room with us, yet we paid no mine to them. The doctor explained she will be released today and how she will be just fine, and I cried even more but this time from relief.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! This is not your family!" said a man in the door way- behind him stood Erika. Storming towards me, three guards stood in front of me. Silent, yet protective.

"You have no fucking right to be here Ace, you are not a part of this family! YOU LEFT! SO FUCKING LEAVE WE DON'T WANT OR NEED YOU, YOU ARE DEAD TO US YOU FUCKING SELFISH BITCH!" My father bellowed.

"Sir, we will ask you kindly to lower your voice and stay away from Ms. Ace"


"You can get security, but my husband and I own this hospital, and you can and will not throw anyone out." Nikki said as she walked into the room holding Penny. "HI TITI ACE!" Penny smiled and waved excitedly. Luke appearing next to Nikki, smiling gently at me and my swollen tear filled eyes.


He must have knew something like this was bond to happen.

Erika looked at me, hiding behind her father, but once Jess came in and saw me she ran to me, Erika following. And I cried harder than before. I cried for the simple fact that I got to see them again, something I only dreamed about.

My angry father, my shocked and angry mother staring at us, my sick grandmother, and my siblings. I pulled apart for the hug my sisters engulfed me in.

"I left for reasons like that. I left because if I were to stay, who the hell knows if I ever were to be okay. I left for me. Not for you- but for me." I looked at my sisters and Jess understood, of course she did, Erika was too young to understand.

"And since Xavier is paying for everything the insurance doesn't cover- which is 90% of the hospital bill, you have no right to toss her out."

"Who the fuck is Xavier?!" My mother hissed.

"I am" said Grey Eyes leaning on the door frame.

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