Chapter 22

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Ouch! ouch!" I whispered as Niall tried to pull my hair out.

When Niall opened the car door for me, I attempted to walk from under his arm, and my hair stucked in his fancy watch.

"Stop whimpering!" he whined.

"It's hard to not whim-" he cutted me off by pulling my hair too hard, which caused a high pitched scream to come out from my lips.

"Sorry" he said.

"We're serouisly the worst couple ever!"

He laughed. "So we are a couple now?" he said amusment clear in his voice.

"Shut up" I whispered as a blush crept to my face.

"Dammit! I'll have to cut it, princess" he said.

"Dude no! Don't you even dare" I said.

"Wait" he said, seconds later we were free.

"Did you just-" I started but he cutted me off.

"Sorry I had to".

"Whatever" I angrily/playfully muttered as I sat in the car.

I watched him as he went around the car and sat down ready to put the car to live, as he did, I noticed his silver Rolex had some hairs.

"Great, now you'll walk around with my hair stuck on your watch".

He just laughed.

We soon arrived to a really fancy resturant. I frowned and looked at my clothes. Black sleevless shirt, short jeans shorts and black Vans, with my hair in a messy bun. I glared at Niall, he was know-less about me glaring at him, until he got out and opened the door for me, I turned my gaze away from him and crossed my arms, with my eyebrows knitted.

"What? What's wrong?" he nervously asked. "You don't like the resturant?"

"This is a fancy resturant, and look what I'm wearing! I look like someone who's going to buy a happy meal at McDonalds".

He chuckled. "Well, I think you're so beautiful... no not think, I know you're so beautiful" he said smirking. "And what's important is what I think and you like, come on".

"No" I stubbournly stated.

"Don't be a stubborn, you look stunning, now let's go, princess".

Somehow, I gave in. I took his hand and he led the way. We walked in and it was really fancy and me and Niall were so not well-dressed. He was wearing a white T-shirt, black leather jacket and dark tight jeans with white Vans, also. The reception was a brunett with brown eyes... and flirty smile. My grib on Niall's hand got tighter as I glared at her.

"Hello sir" she greeted with her overly high pitched spoiled-like voice. "What can I do for you?" she spoke sudectivly.

I gritted my teeth."It's your highness, not sir" I harshly spoke.

She frowned at first, but then, it was replaced with fear. "Y-your highness, I-I'm sorry-" she started, but got cut off by Niall.

"Next time, I won't hesitat to kill you" he threatend

Then, an old man came with a smile on his face. "Oh, your majesty, how have you been? Is this your mate?"

Niall smiled at him as I was still glaring at her. Then, Niall let go of my hand, it scared me a bit, but got relieved when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm great Bob... yes, this is my mate Zoe, my princess" he proudly said.

I blushed, then turned my gaze to Bob.

"My queen" he said as he slightly bended.

I didn't know what to do, so I just awkwardly nodded at him. Niall and Bob both chuckled at me.

"Bob, I suggest you get rid of this useless woman" Niall said pointing at her.

"Of course, Your majesty" Bob said. "Lenna come here".

Soon a short blonde girl was infront of us, she looked in her late teens and a small boy appeared from behind her, his blue eyes reminded me of someone. "Yes?"

"Would you please show their highnesses Niall and Zoe where their table is?" she nodded and led the way and I couldn't help but stare at the boy.

We sat down, facing each other. She left us, then Niall took my hand in his. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that boy reminded me of... someone" I said.

"You almost broke my hand earlier" he stated smirking. "Jealous much, eh?"

"No... I just don't like her" I said knowing that he knew that I knew I was jealous.

Niall chuckled. We were inturrepted by the waitor. "What can I get you, your highnesses?" he spoke.

His voice. I knew that voice from somewhere. I looked up at him with wide eyes, then he copied my actions. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"No way" I whispered as I held back the tears that were threatening to fall. The tears that I promised to never let them down.

"Daddy!" the little boy came running to him. He wrapped his arms around his leg.

'I knew it... I could've never mistaken those eyes' I thought.

"Zoe what's wrong?" Niall said as he was starring at me, and I was starring at the man infront of me.


Hey guys, sorry for the late update but I've been a little frustrated and off lately

I know that the chapter is awfully written but like I said I'm frustrated.

::::::::::::::::::::::Chapter 23 teaser:::::::::::::》

"I love you" he said.

"And I like you" I blurted out, not regretting it, because it was the right moment to say it.


So who do you think that guy is? 

P.S: wait for two major surprises in the next chapter ;)


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