Chapter 24

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Song of the chapter: All For Nothing by Linkin Park.


'Breathe, Zoe, you can do it' I thought. Everything was quiet, only the sound of our own breathing clear. We were ready to attack, we were just waiting. My eyes roamed all over the ground in front of me as my ears caught every sound that was made. 'They're just playing, they want to put us on the edge' I thought. 'Well, guess what, William, it ain't working'. I looked to my left, checking if Niall was still there, which he was. Then, I looked to my right, to check if Lucus, the Alpha's son, was still there, he was in his wolf form, he looked at me and bended his head, making me nod back at him. I didn't know where the others were, we were scattered around, to make sure that no one falls too fast, I was standing in the middle along with Niall and Lucus. Our army was big, about twenty thousand one on our side, I was hoping that we would out-number William's.

A sound of a tree falling echoed, indticating that they had arrived. I slowly let myself go, resulting in me glowing. I could feel the stares I got, but I shrugged it away. I felt powerful enough to end William and Laura, and that what I was hoping would happen. Suddenly a group of people thrusted out of the woods, screaming something like 'Kill her'.

"Attack!" Simon shouted from somewhere, resulting is us to run towards them too.

I felt myself get angerier as I thought of how much harm William was causing to all those people, which caused me to glow brighter. I saw the first one who wanted to attack me, so I hit him with my red power, making his body turn to ash in seconds. I was surprised that it had this affect on others. A growl emitted from behind me, I turned around to see Leonardo pull his sword from one of them.

"Never look at the one you killed too long, because another will attack you" he said, then killed another one, giving me his back.

I mentally nodded and continued to fight. Turning one after another to ash. Surprisingly, I didn't feel of any guilt that I thought I'd suffer from, if anything, it felt natural to me, like I've done it before. What was happening, was the cruelest scene I had ever seen, it was the exact definition of good and bad fighting merciless to reign. We were fighting againts eachother instead of fighting together, that was how much cruelity that existed inbetween us. I understood it then, mine and Niall's mark, that it was not just the bad people's fault, the good ones are mistaken too. Instead of balancing each other, we fought, and that was why Niall and I were opposite, to give the world the balance that it needs, and to give them back the most important thing that they had lost from the beggining... trust.

I lunged at someone who was going to attack Lucus from behind. I grabbed him and punched him hard on the face, then turned him to ash. I kept fighting, keeping in mind that I needed to find William and end him for good, what I didn't know was how was I going to end him.

Suddenly, I felt pain in my back. I quickly turned around, coming face to face with a black haired guy with angry red eyes. I immediatly knew that he cut my back. He lunged again, hitting my right side of my face. I quickly reacted and hit him with my power. He turned to ash, just like the others. Pain was what I felt, but I ignored that and kept moving and fighting.

I was getting closer to the woods, the more I killed, the more I came closer to the woods, the more I got nearer to William. Our army was standing still, only a few had fallen. I knew that we were being tricked, because William was not stupid enough to send a few to fight us. I guessed that he was sending them in groups, which was pretty unclever, because with unity, we'd be stronger.

Niall's POV

I pulled my sword out of someone's heart, glaring at them as they fell on the ground. I was beyond angry at what was happening. I loved wars, not going to deny that, but when it came to my Flame, I hated everything that might hurt her.

I slashed another one on his neck, making the dark blood escape his filthy body. Right then, I was standing in the woods, killing whatever filthy animals that stood on my way to reaching William. I knew Zoe wanted to reach him first, I could see it in her eyes, but I wasn't going to allow that, I wasn't going to allow her to come anywhere near him.

My sword went through the last one that was standing on my way, and came out of the other side. I twisted it, then pulled it out. It was probably just another one who wanted to take revenge.

I slowly walked deep into the woods, staying cautious for my surrounding. My eyes roamed all over the place and my ears kept perking up at the slightest sound. Then, the smell of cigarettes and roses filled my lunges, letting me know that Liara was right behind me.

'What are you doing here?' I spoke in her mind. 'I told you to keep an eye on Zoe'.

'I can't leave you alone, plus that Leonardo guy is doing a great job at watching her back' she spoke back.

I sighned out in frustration, but I didn't protest. 'Okay, just stay quiet'.

We kept moving. Our eyes moving from one spot to another. Then, something moved from behind a tree that was located a few feets in front of us. I made the tree move, using my mind. It revealed a small black kitten. I was going to let my guard down until Liara spoke up.

"This is not your war" she stated. "What do you want?"

I looked at her weirdly. "Are you talking to a cat?"

"It's a shape-shifter" she said, like I should have known.

The kitten suddenly turned, it turned to a man, he had black hair and black eyes. He was frowning as he looked at Liara. Never in my one thousand and eighty six years of life have I ever seen a shape-shifter, that was why I was gaping  at him. He sniffeled the air and showed a disgusted face.

"Never in my life have I ever liked the demon-witch-vampire mix" he said. "My name is Mark, I was sent by Alexandera to inform you that William is not far away".

"You never accept to be a messanger, why now?" Liara suspicously asked.

"I owe Zoe" he said, then shifted to a bird and flew away.

Liara scoffed. "She was never usefull" she muttered, then completed her way.

I followed after her. I hit her back as she completly stopped. I looked in front of me, only to find Darius glaring at us. William appeared from behind him. I grabbed Liara and pushed her behind me. I glared at them both.

"Well, well" William spoke, then laughed evily. "It's been a while, Niall".

"Willam, you ready to have your soul locked away for good?" I said.

"Well... no, because that is never happening" he spit out.

"Darius, you fucking cheater!" Liara snapped.

He just smiled at her. "A man gotta do what he has to do to reach what he wants".

Then, people appeared out of nowhere, anger on their faces as they glared at Liara and I.


So fuckin' sorry for da late update, but I was in a vacation da last weekend and I didn't have time to update, hell, I didn't even have time to sleep.

Last Chapter I told you whoever listens to All For Nothing and guesses what would maybe happen, will be a character in my new upcoming fanfic, well, only one who actually tried to do it, and she did a pretty job

So, congrats @A-WEIRD-DIRECTIONER because you won, and thank you for at least trying. Contact me on

Thanks, and I love ya all


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