Chapter 20

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P.S: This chapter contains subject for only 13+.

Read the A/N.


"What? I thought I was the one who is going to ask questions" I stated.

Charlie raised an eyebrow as if judging me. "Do ask".

I didn't expect that. So I tried to think of a question. "Um..." I trailed off.

'Think mind, think!' I thought.

"Speak, darling" Johanna said.

I gluped and said the first thing that came to my mind, which was a dumb move. "How did I get here?"

"I was hoping you'd ask that" Samuel said, making me sigh in relief. "Half humans half demons are very special. We have some perks that others don't. Like, to answer your question, we are connected to each other, we felt your confusion about yourself and your mind was calling for help, our help, so we answered, and here we are".

"Okay" I said, then something hit me. "What about Niall? What about me and him?"

"Our time has come to an end" Charlie coldly stated. "And like I said before, you are made for each other and the answer to why you're opposite is laying deep within the darkness of both of your souls" he glared at me before they all disappeared.

I felt myself being pulled away from that place as well, so I just gave up and let the darkness take over me again.


It felt like I was laying on a cloud, high up in the sky, no one there, just me, but when I opened my eyes. I was in Niall's and I's room, it was dark, so I supposed it was night. I felt him before I could see him. I sat up and looked at the door, waiting for him to open it. I could hear his heartbeats as well as his breath. His light footsteps were getting close, making my heart jump and dance. I knew something was very different, I just chose to ignore it. Then, the door opened, revealing him. His eyes locked with mine. Then, he speeded towards me and embraced me, it all happened in a second, but it felt long. I sighed in relief as I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

It felt so amazing to be in his arms. It definitely felt home, because it was home. I smiled happily as I inhaled his scent. Then, I got the sudden urge to kiss his neck. So I did exactly that. Every kiss, I felt like my lips were burning, but it was so pleasurful. At some point, he groaned and pulled me closer to him. His hands rested on my hips, so he pushed me more on his growing bludge, making me groan, he then, started rocking me againts him. I kissed that particular spot again, making him groan again. I smirked then started to bite on it. I bit hard enough for blood to ooze out of it. I sucked on it, it was so dilicious, making me keep sucking.

Something heavy was stuck in my throat, I immediatly knew it was my power. I slowly released it, as Charlie instructed. Then, I felt sweetness in my mouth, reminding me of the taste when Niall marked me. I frowned as I slowly pulled away from him. His dark red, almost black blood stopped oozing from his neck and was replaced by a... tattoo.

"Wh-what's t-that?" I stuttered out.

Niall seemed to be in a daze as he breathed out. "God, that was a huge turn on" he mumbeled to himself. Then, he looked up at me. "That was... amazing" he said, then licked his lips, causing my heart to pound.

I shyly smiled at him, causing him to grin. My eyes flickered to the tattoo, that I started to realize that... I just marked him. It looked weird... in a way, but I felt proud of it. 'Now everyone can see that he's mine' I thought as I smirked.

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