Chapter 28

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Zoe's POV

I was awoken when my head was yanked up. I lazily looked into Darius' eyes as his grip tightened on my hair. His eyes were like fighting againts each other, his demons were confusing him. I had nothing left. At that, I started to chuckle. Everyone in the room was looking at me like I went insane, which was true. Hours ago, I was with my mate. Then, he was gone. I didn't even get to tell him how much I loved him.

"Bitch, why are you laughing?!" Laura shouted.

I paid her no attention. I kept looking into Darius' eyes. "Daddy" I mocked him, making his glare deepen. "She's behind you, the women who took me away from you and mommy" I whispered to him, making his grip loosen a bit. "She's right behind you".

"She's just playing with your mind, Darius" Issecelt said, shaking his mind awake.

"Daddy, she wants to kill me" I whispered to him, my eyes getting glossy with tears. Real tears.

"What is she talking about? We never agreed to kill her!" Darius shouted at them.

He let go of my hair, only to grab my upper arm and yanked me up. He protectivly stood in front of me, covering me from all the evil eyes that were looking at me. Although he was still in this with them, I still had a feeling of saftiness. 'Dad' I thought. My thoughts wondered off to the man that raised me, I haven't seen him or heard from him since the day of the party that I was, along with the other princesses, introduced. 'You gave up on me too?'

"No! Don't come near her" Darius shouted, pulling me back from my thoughts. "Or I swear-"

Then, his body fell, giving me a perfect view of William grinning devilishly at me.

"That was easy" he spoke for the first time.

I fell on my knees, not able to hold myself up any longer. I looked at him, then I smiled. It was a smile that expressed how much I didn't care. Then, the door busted open, revealing non-other than Steven. His eyes were cold. My smile fell of off my face and was replaced with a disgusted expression. I sneered at him as he attempted to walk towards me, making him stop dead in his tracks. His eyes snapped downwards my body, seeming to focus on my stomach.

"She's pregnant" his voice came out soft.

I froze. Everyone froze. Everything seemed to freeze. Then, my eyes widened as I slowly looked down. 'No' I thought. 'That couldn't be'.

Niall's POV

I came to a stop right in front of the door that I think my Flame was behind, at least that what my heart told me. I wasted no time in breaking the door open. I grew confused as I saw no one in the room. Only darkness and emptiness met me. My heart sank as well as my hope. I backed away from the room, my eyes filling with tears. I growled out in frustration. I turned around, ready to destroy this place, break every stone into half, anything to find my Flame, but I came face to face with Steven. I don't remember him fighting with us. My eyebrows knitted as I glared him down. I lunged at him, but before I reach him, he spoke up, making me stop.

"I have a pure heart, I'm always on the good's side" he continued. "I know where Zoe is, I'll lead you to her, but don't be a reckless idiot. I have a plan".

I huffed out in annoyance when he called me a 'reckless idiot'. "I'm listening".

"They think I'm on their side, but a pure heart stands with good, even if I didn't own a pure heart, I'd still stand with my sister. So, I'll cast a spell on you that will change your appearance, its affect will be long enough to get her out".

"Okay, who am I going as?" I asked.

"Me, of course. You must stay calm and don't show any emotion if they did anything, contain yourself, it's for Zoe. I want you to look down at her stomach and say that she's pregnant, then you attack".

I nodded. "I can do this, anything for her" I whispered.

"Now, hide those wings in, we don't want them to know you're not an ordinary angel" he ordered.

"How do I-" I was cutted off when my wings hid themselves.


'Breath. Control yourself' I thought as I stood in front of the wall. I mustered up the best emotionless face I had. Then, I pushed on the stone that Steven told me about. The wall opened like a door, revealing my Flame. For a second, I was going to hold her in my arms, but I remembered the plan and put on my best cold behavior. The smile that was on her face fell. A wave of pain hit me when she glared at me. I lost my self-control and walked towards her, but she sneered at me, shaking me awake. I stopped. 'Say that she's pregnant' Steven's voice echoed in my head. My eyes snapped downwards on her stomach. My eyes glanced on the body lying in front of her. Then, back at her stomach.

I gluped. "She's pregnant" my voice came out soft. Not what I planned, so I cursed myself mentally.

Her breath stopped as well as her body. My focus was on her, so I didn't care what the other's reaction was. She looked down at herself as her eyes widened with shock and disbelief. 'No' she thought. 'That couldn't be'.

"What?!" A voice shrieked out, snapping me out from having my focus on only Zoe.

I looked at Issecelt and tried not to glare at her. "She's pregnant" I spoke again, making sure to have my voice stronger.

Her eyes widened with anger and her lips twitched. She growled and turned her head towards Zoe. William chuckled as he watched Issecelt lose her control.

"Don't laugh at me!" She yelled at him.

He glanced at me and gave me a look that made me feel that he knew something. "Shut up, Issecelt. It was bound to happen. Our friend Niall" he said my name and glanced at me again. "Is a true man afterall, of course he'd impregnant her this fast".

I kept my face emotionless as I panicked in my head. Was that a hint that he knew I wasn't Steven? I didn't know. I looked back at Zoe to see her still starring at her stomach. My heart melted when she put her hand over it. Laura blocked my view. Same old, same old. She was still looking worn out which she was, and heartless as ever. She starred at me. Then, a frown covered her face.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

I never wanted to kill someone as much as I wanted to kill her. The bitch was standing on my last nerve just by looking at me. I swallowed my anger, which didn't work very well. The women's aura was irritating.

"Nothing" I said. Anger laced with my voice.

"I know you're not a fan of me, but we're in this together".

My hand shot out to her arm and pushed her to the side. My eyes met Zoe's. She looked at us all, before an angry expression was on her face. Suddenly, she glowed, but this time, it was different. Black demonic wings emitted from her back. Her wings were shorter than mine, but even I felt the power they held. She looked like a ball of lights about to explode. Her gaze snapped towards me.

"That wasn't funny" she said. Then, red light surrounded us.


The End.

No just kidding.

Okay... I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorrryyyyyyyyyy, I swear I had every intention to update but I had no time, I barely got five hours of sleep the whole past week and half, exams are a bitch on a roller coaster.

Words can't explain how sorry I am. I'M SORRY forgive me please.

One more chapter and this story will be over.

~"I don't want to fall in love"
  "Because I'm scared"~



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