Chapter 17

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P.S: read the A/N.


"What bringes you here, Liara? I thought you were travelling all around the world" I said while keeping my eyes on Zoe. I refused to give her much attention, she didn't deserve it. She stayed quiet, making Louis huff in annoyance.

"Speak, Liara" he demanded.

"I ran" she stated. "Do you really think that I, Liara Elenn Honal, would ever even think of travelling the world to 'discover the world and learn peace in their own ways' " she mimicked herself. "It's stupid, I thought you'd get the hint".

"Then why?" I growled at her, now facing her.

"Because Darius is lying, Jordan is not my mate, Darius intentions are to end me and take Simon's throne, he may not be working with William, but he wants what William wants, Zoe and the power" she stated.

My lips twitched in anger as I felt my eyes change color. The thought of anyone taking Zoe away from me or using her for their own benefit made my blood boil, made me want to kill whoever dared to think about it.

"No" I growled out.

"Listen to me" Liara demanded. "Calm the fuck down, if you're gonna be this reckless, then they'll definitely win".

"Niall, please calm down" I heard her soft voice before she held my hand tightly, immediatly calming me down. "Tell us everything, Liara, I got him under control".

Louis came beside Liara as we also got closer to her. I looked into her eyes and saw a deep green color before it disappeared and was replaced with black. I frowned. She gave me a look that meant 'not now'.

"Darius spelled Jordan to think that he's my mate... when I ran, I came across a small house, my gut told me to go to it, so I did, three men opened the door and told me that they were expecting me, one of them gave me a bottle and told me to throw what's inside of it on Jordan... I did it and turns out he was spelled" she said.

"I swear I didn't know" a new voice said, causing me to whip my head towards his direction and stand protectivly in front of Zoe. "When he called me, he made me drink some scotch".

"Jordan" Zoe acknowledged him. "Nice to have you back".

He came and stood beside Liara. "Thank you, nice to be back".

"Jordan and I stayed close to the castle, I hid our scent, last night, I caught Darius in his room with Alexandera, except that wasn't Alexandera at all, I contacted some ghost that I can trust, he informed me that Alexandera has been locked for three weeks now" Liara finished.

Jordan continued. "Which means that, that ghost is not Alexandera".

"I knew from the beggining that Jordan can not be my mate, because he's an angel and I am... half a demon".

Louis gasped. "What?! Are you kidding?!"

"No, I'm not kidding" she flatly said. "But you can not  tell anyone, Lou".

"Whoa, hold on, you're a fucking demon-"

She cutted him off. "Half demon".

"But you told no one and for the first time since I met you, you actually called me Lou" Louis said. "Why the hell did you not tell us that you're a demon?!"

"Half demon" she corrected him again. "This should not be discussed now, Louis, our concerns should be pointed towards the current situation".

He glared at her. "You love me though, continue".

I rolled my eyes at him as Zoe lightly chuckled at him. Liara's lips twitched, forming a ghost smile, but it dissappeared before anyone could notice.

"We need all the support we can get, only the people that I tell you to bring can be on our side. First we need to get all the princesses, except Zoe, to somewhere save, then I need you to get the army prepared and I need you to call Lucus and Josh the werewolfs and try to get them and their pack to fight with us, call Ethan and Tony the experts and tell them to come immediatly fully armed, and get Katy, James, Kathrien and Stephan, tell them to get Kathrein's father too, and bring Steven back" she finished off.

"Get the army ready?" Zoe mumbeled.

"Let the fun begin" Liara said, smiling wickdly.

I wrapped my arm around Zoe's shoulders, bringing her closer to me, then kissed the side of her head. She closed her eyes and buried her head in my neck. I saw Liara look at us with an emotionless expression, making me wonder what was she thinking.

"Where do you suggest to send the princesses?" Louis asked.

"Well" Liara spoke. "We asked the angel's kingdom to fight with us and they agreed, but Jordan's mum can't fight for personal reasons, so I guess we'll send them there, so they stay with Jordan's mum, I'm sure Jordan's dad will not leave her without protection".

"Why are you doing this?" The question flew out of my mouth. "Why are you helping us? Last time I checked you were on your own side, why pick a side now?"

She starred at me, she didn't speak for a few minutes. "You should call Hazel, she'll be a good help".

"Get rid of Darius" Jordan stated. "You have to do it today, but don't let him feel like we're up to something".

I could only nod, my eyes were burning holes in Liara's soul, but she appeared unaffected. I shook my head, disbelief written all around my face. 'Pointless' I thought. I turned around, grabbed Zoe's hand and made my way to the old metal door, Louis was right behind us. I glanced back at Liara to see her still stood on her spot, emotionless as usual.

"Thank you, Liara" Zoe said.

Liara whipped her head towards us. She nodded, then disappeared. Jordan spread his white wings and flew away. We continued walking. In meanwhile, my thoughts were somewhere else, held by my past. How could someone, whose soul as dark as a sky at night without the moon and the stars, be an angel and have Zoe as a mate? I didn't get it, I had done so many bad things, I thought that I'd never get to live happily.

Why me? Why not my mother? If she was the one who inheirted it, she'd still be alive, but no, get to have it, and what did I do to deserve such a blessing? Nothing.

A warm, almost hot, hand made contact with my neck, making me snap back to reality. I looked down at Zoe and all my thoughts disappeared as if they never were there. She stood on her toes and pecked my lips. I felt like I just fell for her all over again. It was like I was swimming in a warm water, then I got pulled down to its deepest, but I didn't struggle, because I just simply loved being pulled down.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, smirking.

I smirked. "Wouldn't you want to know?"

She playfully glared. "No, I don't".

I smiled softly at her, then lifted my hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Just thinking about how much I'm blessed to have you" I stated. "I love you".

She shyly smiled at me. "I love you more".

I frowned. "No, me more".

She pretended to think. "Okay, fair enough".


For fuck's sake, please vote.

::::::::::Chapter 18 teaser::::::::》

"Yes" Liara answered, like it was normal and very clear. "Now, get her out of my sight, I don't like these little things".

Anabel gasped. "I'm not a little thing! I can kick your ass!"


This Chapter is not edited.


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