Chapter 4

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"I'm so sorry Selena" I said. "I swear I didn't plan to leave, it just happened".

"It's always about you isn't it?" She asked calmly, then looked at me. "It was my engagment party Zoe, you are my best friend and you left. How selfish of you! Just leave me alone".

I starred at her in disbelief. 'Why can't she understand?' I thought.

"You know what, Selena? Forget that I've ever came to you to 'apologize'. Clearly, you are the one who is a bad friend" I said then I stomped my way out.

I entered our room and slammed the door shut. I couldn't believe her. I tried to calm myself  by breathing in and breathing out while trying to think of something happy. I, then, felt arms wrap themselves around me, I immediatly felt calm.

"Just give her some time, Flame" he whispered in my ear making me shiver.

"Why can't she just understand?" I whined.

"I don't know" he muttered, then started to kiss my neck.

I moaned as he pressed his lips on my mark. The mark that he hadn't told me what it looked like. Another time, he'd always say.

"You haven't told me what it looks like yet, when are you planning on telling me?" I whispered.

"Anothe-" I cutted him off feeling irritated.

"No. Don't you 'another time' me or no kisses for a whole day!" I snapped as I got out of his hold.

I turned to glare at him, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. I sighned, feeling guilty, but he shouldn't have kept it from me.

"I'll tell you tonight, when I get back from Wenchester, I promise, just don't get mad at me, please".

I sighned then wrapped my hands around him. "I'm sorry, I just... I'm just... I'm sorry-"

He chuckled. "Uh, Flame, you're so cute... stop apologizing or 'no kisses for a whole day!'" He said qouting me, making me laugh.

"When are you leaving?" I said after my laugh had died down.

"I was supposed to leave twenty minutes ago, but I guess you are a huge distraction" he whispered in my ear.

I gasped. "I'm a huge distraction?!"


I lied down on the grass, letting the sun heat up my skin. I breathed out loudly as I tried to clear my mind. Eleanor shifted from beside me. I opened my eyes to look at her. She had a troubled look on her face. I sat up and faced her.

"What's wrong, El?"

"Huh?" Eleanor said. "Oh... it's nothing".

"Come on, El talk to me" I insisted.

She breathed out. "Oh god, Zo... it's just that... I'm worried about you. I don't want that stupid William to hurt you... I finally saw you happy, I don't want William to take your happiness away, or worse, your life".

I smiled sadly. "Don't worry, El, we'll kick his ass" I smirked.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Zoe! This is serouis! Don't joke about it".

"Ugh, can you like... not?" I pleaded. "I'm having enough with Niall worrying about me, so please, let's not talk about it".

She paused, seeming to be in deep thoughts. "Well, you know, Niall is not the only one who has the right to worry about you, but I'll let it slip for today" she continued." So, what exactly happened with Selena? She refuses to talk about it".

"She's mad about me leaving her party" I mumbeled. "I told her why, but it was like she's deaf, I couldn't do anything but apologize, what else should I do?!"

"Aha, but I thought you left because of Hazel's warning or something" Eleanor said.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "Why else would I leave if it wasn't so important?"

"Hmm... give her time-" Eleanor started, but got cutted off by a somewhat familiar voice.

"That's why I don't do friendships" she said, making us both jump out of fear and surprise.

I looked behind me at Liara. Her cold but firey eyes were set at me. Her eyes even seemed to glow more under the sun light. She was holding a black umbrella above her head and she was wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants with buffy ankle boots. I frowned at her. It was May and it was hot. She sat in front of me. She looked stiff again. 'Why is she always looking stiff? ' I thought. I glanced at Eleanor to see her mouth and eyes wide open, it was, as it seemed, surprisment and fear.

"Friendships and people overall are too complicated" she spoke, ignoring Eleanor's face expression and gazing at me.

"What's up with the umbrella?" I dared myself to ask.

"I don't like the sun" she simply said.

"Right, so you do can see the sun?" Eleanor asked, Liara nodded. "And it's so hot" she said again. "Why are you wearing 'warm clothes'?"

'Eleanor, always the brave one' I thought.

Liara shifted her gaze to her. "You ask way too many questions".


"Ask away" she emotionlessly said although I haven't told her that I wanted to ask.

Her room looked amazing although its dull appearance. Its theme was black and dark red. The walls were painted dark red with thin black lines lining the wall, making it look like a striped black and dark red shirt. A king sized bed with a black blanket and pillows. A black closet was pushed to the wall beside the door. The carpet was dark red with black stripes. I guessed she had a thing for striped things. The room looked welcoming, but it didn't feel like it. Something caught my eyes, it was stood in the corner beside the window Liara was gazing out from. It was a black colored chello. Chello.

"You play chello?" I asked still gazing at the beauty perfectly-shaped chello.


"Who taught you?"

"Don't waste my time with dumb questions" she said turning to me.

Her gaze made me uncomfortable, but Niall always told me to keep eye contact. So, I did. It was unbelievable, but I could swear I felt coldness being sent to my body.

"Have you found anything about William?"

"Yes" she answered.

I waited for her to continue, but she didn't. "What did you find?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice.

"Before I tell you, you should now, I have the ability to know and smell humans and inhumans... and you Zoe, are not totally human".

I froze, my eyes were still fixed on her. I kept my face blank in case she was just joking, but no hint of humor was on her face.

"What?" I asked frowning.


This Chapter is unedited.

Heya, enjoy this. Sorry, no teaser this timr cuz I haven't written anything further than this.

Do you think Liara is honest? Do you really think that Zoe is not totally human? Or maybe Liara is actually working with William?

What do you think?


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