Chapter 17

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Zoe's POV

"About the tattoo that is under your hair line and is a small black heart with a name under it... Maura I guess" I nervously asked as I kept eye contact with him.

His eyes widened and turned to dark red with a hint of yellow. 'I shouldn't have asked that...' I thought. His fists turned into balls and his knuckles turned white as he narrowed his eyebrows.

I sat up and turned my head away. Then, I felt him set up too. "Y-you don't have to answer that.. forgive me, but these days I seem to turn into a noisy cat" I said carefully and in a low voice.

"Look at me" he whispered. When I didn't, he grabbed my chin and turned my head towards him. "Look me in the eyes" I did as told and was surprised. His eyes were normal.

'He's not mad... thank god' I thought.

"It's your right to know" he serouisly said. "After all, you are mine and I am yours, and we will remain forever, forever till this world comes to an end..." he said smiling as I slightly blushed.

"What about in heaven?" I asked smiling, but his dropped.

"Y-yeah... ummm... I'm not sure about that" he said. "I-I don't want to talk about my past now..." he trailed off.

"It's alright, I understand" I said slightly smiling ressuring him that it was okay.

"Come here" he said. I went to him and he hugged me and I hugged back. "It's my mother, the tattoo... it my mother's name, Maura" he said as he hugged me tighter if that was possible.

"So you love her so much?" I whispered/asked.


"At least, you have a mother to love and care about" I blurted out and as soon as I realized what I've said, my eyes widened and I quickly pulled away.

"Was she that mean?" he asked as his eyes darkened.

I nodded, not having the ability to speak. I grabbed his hand and held it tight, then I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the pleasurness he gave and the warmth of his body. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"After we find out about all of this... I'll make you the happiest person on earth... I promise" he whispered to me.

*Flashback Begins*

I ran to my room, throwing myself on my bed. I held my tears in, not wanting to look weak infront of Laura. Then, she came into my room and sat on my bed and got closer to my ear.

"I'll make you the most misarble and the most unhappy person on earth, I promise you" she whispered and left.

*Flashback Ends*

"Zoe?" Niall loudly called.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

He grabbed my shoulders. "What's wrong? You spaced out and then your breath became uneven" he worriedly said.

"I-" I started, but he cutted me off.

"Dont even lie, I can tell when you lie" he warningly said.

I sighned. "A bad memory that I don't want to talk about".

He let out a breath. "When are you going to trust me and tell me about things that make you feel uncomfortable?" he asked.

"When you trust me and tell me about the things about your past too" I said.

He starred at me for a moment. Then, did what was unexpected, he leaned in as I stayed frozen in my place. He kept leaning in till his lips were an inch or so from mine, then he turned his face towards my neck. He pushed my hair away and turned my head a little to the left, which gave him enough space to lean onto my neck, he started kissing everywhere, my breath became more uneven. I gasped a bit when he kissed on a particular spot, he then, kissed it again and I let out a moan, which made him let out a small one, I put my hand on the back of his neck then closed my eyes. I pushed him onto my neck again and he chuckled a little, then he again kissed it which made me bite my lip so I don't moan and get embarressed. I then, felt him slightly bite then he sucked and it was so pleasuring, I've had lovebites before, but this one I felt love too, not just lust.

He continued what he was doing as I was lost in an ocean of emotions... great ones. I was so lost in it that I didn't notice that I was moaning, and as soon as I noticed that I shutted my mouth and bit my lip and I felt the heat rising to my cheeks, but that soon faded as I felt something sweet in my mouth, then Niall licked the spot and pulled away, then looked me in the eyes with a frown on his face, then he looked at the spot.

"It's not supposed to be sweet" he whispered while continuing to look at the spot.

"You felt it too? The sweetness-" he cutted me off.

"Yeah, it's supposed to be salty" he said then looked at me and smiled. "I marked you, you're officially mine and there's no one can do anything about that" he sudectivly said as I blushed. "Although the mark is a bit weird... special".

I raised my hand and touched the spot, it didn't hurt me a bit, it gave me a wave of... love. "What does it look like?"


it's been ages since I last updated and I apologize for that, and no, it's not because I have writer's block, I don't have writer's block actually... but it's because wattpad keeps deleting the chapter and that makes me pissed off... I'll make it up somehow.

I remember that I actually wrote this chapter while I was in class... I think it was math class...



This chapter is unedited.

:::::::::::::::::::Chapter 18 teaser:::::::::::::::》

I walked to the mirror and starred at myself and for the first time since beth left, I felt beautiful. 'Is this the effect that Niall has on me?' I thought. I shrugged that off and took my clothes off, I turned the hot water on then added a bit of cold water, then got in and let the hot water relax my body.


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Stay Strong♡


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