Chapter 10

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"I apologize if I inturrepted something" she said.

"Alexandera" I said, surprisment clear in my voice.

A boy, almost my age, if not older, was stood beside her. His blonde almost white hair reminded me of someone, but it didn't come to my mind. His pale greyish blue eyes gazed at me as his mouth formed a small smile. A man, maybe in his late twenties was stood to Alexander's left side. His grey eyes were looking at me, then looking behind me, he had a frown on his handsome face.

Silence erupted between us, I kept looking between the blonde guy and the black haired guy, then looking back at Alexandera. At some point, I felt cold hitting my back, so I supposed it was Liara. The silence was so uncomfortable, so I decided to break it.

"So... what are you doing here? And who are your friends?" I asked smiling.

She breathed out. 'Ghosts breath?' I thought. Then, she glanced back at the black haired guy. She cleared her throat, opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't.

Few moments passed. "Uhm... this is" she said, pointing to the blonde guy. "This is Jordan" his name rang a bell in my head. Then, she pointed to the black haired guy. "And this, he's Darius Honal, he was the king of the past demon's kingdom".

I froze. My eyes widened with surprisment, shock, but mostly fear, fear for Liara, I was afraid on her. If that was her father who didn't acknowldge her as his daughter, then I'd had a good reason to defend her. I, very slowly, turned around, facing an emotionless Liara, a frowning Simon, a scared Steven and a surprised and angry Niall. My eyes then, glanced back at Liara.

She gluped. "Well, go ahead" she said, no emotion was clear in her voice. "Kill me... what are you waiting for?"

I turned around, looking at Darius. His face showed nothing at all, he stepped forward till he was right in front of me. A warm hand touched my upper arm and pulled me in a warm and comfortable arms.

"Protecting her from me, Niall?" Darius said.

"Why wouldn't I?" Niall asked calmly.

"Darius! Don't start this!" Alexandera snapped. "Hello, Simon".

I turned my head towards Simon. His head was turned down, making me feel like the floor was more important. As I was about to give him a piece of my mind, he snapped his head towards her, his glare was so cold.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped.

"I'm- I mean, we're here to help".


We sat around the rounded table in Simon's office. I was sat between Niall and Liara, next to Niall was Simon, next to Liara was Justin, then Louis. Liam and Harry were standing near the door, for some reason, they refused to sit down. Directly in front of me was Darius, next to him Alexander, then Jordan, leaving between Jordan and Simon two seats and between Darius and Louis three seats.

"Start talking" Liara coldly demanded.

Darius breathed in deeply. "I want to start with the fact that I'm alive... I know who destroyed the kingdom, I do know, but I also know that he wasn't alone... right, Liara?"

"What are you saying, Darius?" Niall asked, sounding angry.

"I did not fucking destroy anything!" Liara yelled.

"He knows you didn't, Liara" Alexandera said.

"You, shut the fuck up!" She shouted at Alexandera. "I'm only saying this once, Darius, I did not destroy your goddamn stupid kingdom. Yeah I admit that I wanted you to die so badly, but I wouldn't have ever dared to do it".

"I was not implying that you did it. I meant Laura, Laura Hamilton" he said. "She didn't just take my kingdom away, after nearly 500 years, she took something, or rather someone away" he explained, looking right at me.

I held my breath, then slowly released it. "What do you mean?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"You're my daughter, Zoe" he stated.

I froze. Liara stiffed. Niall snapped his head towards me. 'His daughter' I thought. 'If I'm his daughter, then that means that me and Liara are sisters...'.

"You knew!" A voice hissed, making me snap back to reality. Simon was appearntly hissing on Alexandera.

"I'm sorry, but everything has its reasons" she whispered.

I grabbed my throat, suddenly feeling like I was chocking, but I wasn't really, it was the heavy tension. Justing stood up, clearing his throat. He walked towards Simon.

"Simon, you better shut up and sit down  on your ass! Stop acting like a child! Let them explain this shit! This time, it's not about you" he snapped at Simon, then walked back to his chair and sat down. "Sorry for his childness and immatureness, please, do complete".

Darius completed. "Umm... Laura was supposed to be the family's friend, but she betrayed us and by us, I mean your mother and I, my mate and I. I found your mother twenty years ago. She was a human... one day, your mother went paranoid, saying that she had a feeling that you'll be taken away from her... so, she threw a protection spell on you with the help of Alexandera, it's the kind of spells that hides your true identity" he said, looking between me and Liara.

"So one day" Alexandera completed. "Laura took you away..." she trailed off.

"Now, you may be wondering, where do Jordan come in... well, Jordan is an angel, I've known his mother since I was borned... and Liara, Jordan is... he's your... mate, he's your mate" Darius said.

As those words were progressed by Liara, she stood up, knocking the chair on the ground. Her face showed so many emotions while she starred at Jordan. Jordan slowly stood up while all the time, as it seemed, lovingly looking at Liara.

"No" she whispered.

I stood up as well. "What? Are they opposites too?" I stupidly asked.

"No" Jordan answered. "I'm exactly what she wants and needs... and she's exactly what I want and need".

"Although I've always denied you as my daughter Liara, I always cared about you... and as your father, I know you too well-"

She cutted him off. "Shut up!" She yelled. "You know nothing about me, you asshole! I fucking hate you all! I, Liara Elenn Honal, reject you, Jordan who-fucking-knows-who!" She then turned towards me, her red eyes gazing at me, then she turned her head towards Darius. "You'll always prefer her".

She disappeared. I frowned. It then hit me, I was Darius' daughter, Liara's sister and a half demon half human. It was all messed up. 'How did my life take this huge turn? Why did fate choose this road for me?' I thought.


This chapter is unedited.

:::::::::Chapter 10 teaser::::::::》

She fell on her knees, making me flinch. She looked at me, her eyes were glossy, her lips were trembling and her hands were visibly shaking.




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