Chapter 3

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P.S: check out @Nutella_Snapple 's books.


Zoe's POV

"Ciggarettes and roses? How does that mix?" I asked, trying to imagine how those two opposite smells mix.

Next thing I knew, the door was wide open. "It mixes very well" a girl, who looked to be a few years older than me answered.

I starred at her. She had a long brown hair that reached just above her lower back. Her body was stiff, like she was ready to fight if it was needed, she was short, but not shorter than me. She could be mistaken as an angel if it weren't for her eyes, her scarlet eyes that seemed to glow. I thought she was super angry, but her face expression proved other wise.

"It mixes very well" she repeated. "Two opposites mix very well" she said, making me wonder if she meant a double meaning.

"Liara" Simon breathed out as he slowly stood up.

She kept starring at me, making me uncomfortable. Like she wanted to figure me out. Then, her gaze turned to Simon.

"You, again" she stated with hatred in her voice. "Hazel" she said again, this time looking at Hazel. Her gaze then shifted to Niall. "Niall, long time no see... when was the last time I saw you? Fifty years ago? Wasn't a good memory, right?"

"Cut the crap, Liara" Niall said as he pulled me to his side.

"What made you think I'd help him, Hazel?"

"Liara, please" Hazel begged. "I know that you don't like Niall, and I don't either, but do this, at least, for Simon... for Alexandera... he did take care of you as if you were his daughter".

"You think I care?" She scoffed. "I have nothing to lose, really".

Before she could walk all the way out, I spoke. "Please" I begged.

She stood frozen, her back facing us.

"Please, help us".

She turned her head towards me. "Why would I help you?"

"I know you wouldn't come here just to tell us no" I stated. "What's your price?"

Her red eyes burned holes in me. "I'm not that low, bitch" she snapped.

Niall growled, but I held his elbow. "Don't" I spoke to him. "I didn't mean it that way, Liara, I didn't mean if you wanted money, actually, you exactly know what I mean" I gave her a knowing look.

Her lips twitched in what seemed like disgust and anger. Her eyes seemed to glow more as a vein popped in her forehead. Her fists clenched so tightly, because she knew I was right. She just wanted to be loved, accepted. She wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere, like she has a home.

"You know nothing" she spat then in seconds, she disappeared.

That gave it away. She ran away whenever anyone was close to figuering her out. It was like she was afraid to be understood and that, did nothing but confuse me more.

"God Zoe! You ruined everything" Hazel whined.

I snapped my head towards her, but before I could say anything, she was thrown into the wall. I gave Niall a disapproval look, making him shrug like he didn't do anything.

'Idiot'  I thought.

'You love it though'  he spoke in my mind.

Hazel stood up with a groan. "Son of a bitch" she muttered.

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