Chapter 26

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"Trying to find William?!" He growled out. "Trying to find William?!" He shouted as he punched a tree, resulting in it falling to the ground. I gaped at him. I realized then, that it was impossible for him to be that strong and an unoriginal vampire. "I'm going to kill her!".

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Repeat what you said".

His gaze snapped towards me, he rolled his eyes. "Not like I fucking could do that" he mumbeled, then turned around and started to walk.

I started walking as well as Louis, when a bang of pain hit my chest, making me trip and fall on the ground with a small thud. My head was dizzy and my body felt so weak and drained. The pain spread through my veins faster than my own blood did, making my heart work faster, resulting in it bumping harder againts my chest, asking- begging for an escape. My fingers gripped the ground under me as my eyes squeezed themselves. I could hear shouting and feel someone shaking me. I was too focused on staying conscious to care who it was. I was slowly losing my grip on my power. I could already feel it being tamed. My thoughts scattered all over my mind, like I forgot how to think, I couldn't think of why was this happening or how was I going to get out. I managed to lift my head up, although it felt so heavy. My sight was blurred so I squeezed my eyes again to clear my sight. I opened them again, to be greeted with the sight of Leonardo in the same position as me and he seemed to be suffering from pain as much as I was.

"No" I managed to mumble out. "Niall".

My arms and legs buckled, resulting in me hitting the ground face first then my body. My eyes were too heavy for me to keep them opened. I let them shut. Slowly, my mind registered what was happening. The pain I was going through wasn't mine. With the realization I came to, I drifted off to darkness, only Niall in my thoughts.


My eyes slowly opened. My senses were slowly getting back to me. I breathed out as my sight slowly got back to me. I felt pain shoot through my arms. I lifted my head up to see a rope hanged in the ceiling and its end knitted around my wrists. I then, figuered that I was hanged, because I didn't feel the ground beneath me. My head was spinning after I looked beneath me, I felt dizzy. A laugh startled me, making me lift my head up towards the source. I squeezed my eyes shut to clear my vision. I reopened them to be faced with a stunning women. My breath hitched, surprised that she was only a few centimeters away from me, when she laughed, she sounded far away. I focused my gaze at her, long wavey brown hair, deep green eyes with a hint of brown and a shiny soft-looking tanned skin, she was beautiful. What fired my curiosity more was the fact that she looked alot like Liara, where they related? I wondered.

"Poor, poor, Zoe" she spoke in a soft voice, but I could sense the cruelty behind it. "How are you feeling after losing your everything?"

"What?" I asked, confusion lacing my cracked voice. "What are you talking about?"

She leaned towards me, then turned her head. Her lips came near my ear. Then, she so calmly whispered in my ear. "Niall is dead" she whispered. "You lost your everything, not only is Niall dead, but Liara too, that pathetic weak girl".

Everything froze in me, even the slow beats of my heart as soon as the word 'Niall' came out of her throat. 'Niall is dead' echoed through my mind, my heart and my whole body. I zoned out, thinking about... nothing. I just lost all the senses in me, I felt so numb to the point where I didn't feel the sadness I was supposed to feel. Every single thing in me denied what she said, but when I came back to the cruel world I was in, I saw her eyes, her eyes were throwing the words that I dreaded the most at me, hitting me so hard. Then, amusment flared in her eyes.

"No" I whispered. "I can feel that he's still alive".

"Oh no, I'm honest, you are just denying" she coldly said. Then she wickedly smiled. "Now, I'm going to enjoy watching you lose all your hope and give up, submit to me... then, I'll kill you so slowly you'd wish if you weren't born".

Tears filled my already hopeless eyes and like a river, they came pouring out. "No!" I shouted. "He's alive!".

She grabbed my throat and squeezed hard enough to cut the oxygen from reaching inside my lungs, not that I minded. She shook her head to deny my words. A part of me believed her and a small part didn't. So, I did what anyone would do, I gripped so hard on that small part.

"Now, it's your turn, darling" she whispered as she took her hand away from my throat. "You're as bad as them, you're as weak as them... and now, you're gonna get killed by me, the great Issecelt, just like them".

My eyes widened at her. I never thought that she was Issecelt. In my mind, Issecelt was an old wrinkly women, not this stunning women. She looked me in the eyes, what I saw in her eyes clicked me, hit me like a brick, it was a simple look to her, but to me it was like a wake up call. Numbness disappeared from my body and was replaced with furiousness. My mind worked quickly, I figured out that she killed Johanna, Charlie, Bruce and Samuel, and she was going to kill me too, but that was not what made me furious. The thought of her killing Niall and Liara fired me up. I glared at her, letting her see how much I wanted to end her. Her eyes showed shock, then she shouted something, but I didn't hear it, due to the sound of my blood rushing in me and my heart jumping againts my ribcage.

'Niall is dead' I thought. 'Niall is dead'.  The thought kept repeating itself in my mind. Soon after, I felt like I lost myself. I felt my heart die and get replaced by an unmelting, cutting piece of ice. I didn't care, because I lost my everything. They thought that they'd turn me to a monster that will only destroy... wrong, all what I had in my mind was to destroy them, then kill myself and be with Niall. I roared as my body lit up a blindingly bright red and my eyes lit up white, a prove that I was outraged for Niall. My body was shaking so bad, so I let go my power, making it surround the room.

I looked into Issecelt's fearful eyes and growled. She stumbeled back. "No way!" She said. "You have vampire blood in you, and this room is surrounded by The Killer! You shouldn't be able to use your power!".

'Flame, no matter what happens, keep fighting' Niall's voice echoed through my blank mind, making me even shake more. 'Nothing will separate us, nothing will make me stop loving you' I thought. I growled as I ripped the rope off of my hands and stood in front of Issecelt. The room started to shake as well as my sanity. I was insane and it was them to blame. I had set my mind to punish them.


Okay, okay, wait. Don't kill me. There's like 3 more chapters till this ends, and who knows what might happen in those 3 chapters? Maybe Niall will come back to life, or maybe he wasn't even dead... who knows?... oh, right, I do... hmmm... whatever.

I love you guys.

::::::::::Chapter 27 teaser::::::::》

All what I felt was pure rage and nothing else, they killed my mate and they were going to suffer.


See that small star on the left side, press on it and see the magic working *-*.


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