Chapter 21

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His eyes widened, a small smile played on his lips, but soon disappeared and was replaced by a frown.

"Listen Niall, I'm not supposed to tell anyone, so please keep your mouth shut" I pleaded.

I was still terrified by him, so when his hands returned to his side, I carefully opened the door and got out, then I ran to the bathroom and quickly locked the door. I started to shake out of fear. 'That's not the Niall I know' I thought.

My eyes landed on a phone, Niall's phone. 'He must've forgotten it' I thought. Then, I remembered that he could read minds. I grabbed the phone, but it had a lock, I thought about the possibilites, but just one stood out. Maura. I typed, but it didn't open. 'Wow, I'm really stupid' I thought. 'What it could be?'

"It's 274139ZN" Niall said, which made me jump and gasp out of surprise. "And... I'm... I'm sorry" sadness clear in his voice.

I typed in the code and it opened, I wasn't surprised that he knew what I was doing. It's really hard to not think.

I dailed Justin's number and waited.

"Hello?" his voice rang.

"H-hey" I stuttered and my voice sounded weak. "Where's S-Selena?"

"Is there something wrong, Zoe?"

"No" I whispered. "I just want Selena" my voice was about to break.

"Okay, wait" he said.

Moments later, she came. "Zoe, what's wrong?!" she worriedly said.

I held a sob in. "Selena, I'm scared" I whispered. 

I turned on the water so my voice would be less auidable for Niall to hear.

"Why Zoe? What happened?! Where's Niall?" her voice showed worriness as she whispered back.

"Is Justin with you?"

"No, I'm alone".

A little sob escaped from my mouth. "I-it's N-Niall, he... he..." I couldn't complete as another sob escaped.

"What did he do?!" Selena asked.

"He's scaring me..." I whispered.

"Zoe? Why? What did he do?"

I started to explain everything that happened, from him giving me the land, to him... showing me his other side.

"Oh my god, Zo" Selena said. "I-I never thought..." she trailed off.

Another little sob escaped my shaky lips. "Me too" I whispered.

"I'm gonna kick his ass!" she angrily said as she hung up.

I starred at the phone, then turned off the water that was running. I stood there, starring at the floor and realized how hopeless I was. But the biggest realization was that I don't know his story, yeah he scared me alot. But why did I judge him so fast? Why did I forget about all the nice things he has done to me when he was just being... protective? And most importantly, why did I forget that he only wants what's best for me... for us?

"Zoe?" he suddenly said causing me to gasp and lightly jump. "Zoe, I-I'm so so sorry! I-I didn't mean t-to do that... you know I'll never hurt you... I love you too much to do that, remember? Princess... I-I... I have anger issues" he said, his voice croacked a bit, but whispered the last part.

'Anger issues?' I thought as a frown made its way onto my face.

"I didn't have a bright past.... I-I was and kinda still, t-the bad prince, the person who no one dares to talk to..." he trailed off.

I slowly walked to the door as he kept repeating 'I'm sorry'. I put my hand on the knob, twisted it and the door opened, I pushed it wide open to see him curled in a ball and his head burried between his knees. Never have I ever thought that I'd see this side of him... the inoccent side. I carefully kneeled infront of him, tears threatened to fall.

I took his hands in mine and noticed that his knuckles were scratched and bloody. I don't know what gotten into me, but I started to gently kiss his knuckles, surprising him and myself. He slowly lifted his head, connecting his eyes with mine. I slightly smiled. His eyes were yellow, but they soon turned into blue.

"We all make mistakes... the only difference is that some people can be patient and calm, and others can't" I whispered to him. "You can't... and I can't... so I completly understand you...".

He stayed frozen, probably not believing what was coming out of my mouth.

"W-what?" he stuttered. I guessed right.

"I can forgive, you know" I smiled. "I'm not always grumpy, bitchy and mad".

He smiled, but it left to be replaced by a frown. "No... n-no I don't  d-deserve this-"

I cutted him off. "Shut up!" I playfully said. "So, shall we continue our journey? Where were you going to take me after you gave me the land? Which I thank you so much for".

He weakly smiled. "I was going to take you to a resturant, then give you something..." he trailed off, but then continued. "I just want you to know that I'll never ever hurt you, not physically or emotionly... if that ever happened again, you're free to slap me... no, stabe me, it's better".

"I wouldn't say no to that" I playfully said.

He starred at me, then suddenly crashed his lips on mine. I kissed him back as passionate as he did. 'I'm starting to like this' I thought.


Just wanted to say, Anger Issues is a serouis thing, never judge someone with Anger Issuess, the things peoole who have anger issuess go through is hard, really hard. Their 'wrong actions' is nothing but a mistake, they were only blinded by anger, it really does confuses their mind... I ask from you all to at least understand people with anger issuess.

so, the video will be out in a few hours... REFRESH NOT REPLAY!

:::::::::::::::::Chapter 22 teaser:::::::::》

"This is a fancy resturant and look what I'm wearing! I look like someone who's going to buy a happy meal at McDonalds".

Hr chuckled. "Well, I think you're so beautigul... no not think, I know you're so beautiful" he said smirking. "And what's important is what I think and you like, come one".

"No" I stubbournly stated.


This Chapter is Unedited.

Wanna a dedication? comment something funny and if I laughed you'll be put on my dedications-to-give list. (P.S: I give more than a dedication to the same person)

"274139ZN" what do you think this code means?

what do you think of the chapter?


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