Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

"Niall?" she said as she looked at me.

"Yes, princess?" I said lovingly to her.

"I just wanted to know... ummm... it's about your powers, w-what are they?" she nervously asked.

"You really want to know?" I asked, surprised by the fact that she wanted to know, I even thought that she'll never wonder.

She nodded. "Yes".

"But first, promise me that you won't feel embarressed".

She smiled. "I promise".

"I'm a mind reader" I said as I watched her expression turn from normal to surprised to embarresssed.

'Shit' she thought.

"You m-mean y-you can hear m-my... thoughts?" 

"Yes, I can read minds, change minds, speak-in minds, move things, and make pain".

'Shit, shit' she thought.

"Did you hear every thought I thought of since I came here?" she embarressingly asked.

"Yes, since you walked through the gate" I watched as her face was wide eyes and parted lips. "Close your mouth, you may catch a fly".

'Shit... he heard it all... shit' she thought. 'But that means that he can hear it now'.

'Yes, I can princess' I spoke in her mind.

She gasped and got up as I laughed.

"You think this is funny?!" she angrily said. I nodded as I was still laughing. "I so will not think again!".

I laughed harder. "You can't not to think, Zo".

I expected her to get angry, but instead she sat back down and started to laugh with me. I starred at her laughing and realized, Zoe changed me alot, although I've known her for a few days, she changed me for the better, she noticed that I stopped laughing so she stopped too.

She cleared her throat. "Are you done yet?" she asked as she thought that she might've pushed it too far.

"Yes, I'm done, but you're not" I said returning the smile on my face ressuring her that she didn't do anything wrong.

"No" she whined. "I swear I'm so full!"

"You're not getting up unless you eat more" I serouisly said.

" Oh really? What are you gonna do if I didn't?" she playfully said.

"Well" I said. "Maybe I'll lock you in the basement" I serouisly said although I was just kidding. I wanted to see her reaction.

" You wouldn't dare!" she said smirking, which in all honesty turned me on... basically every single thing she does turns me on. I guess it's a vampire's natures.

"Under one condition" she said holding up her index finger.

"Name it".

"That you feed me, my hands are tired" she said slightly blushing.

For a moment, I thought that she was kidding. I never imagined that she'll ask me to do that, that soon.



"No" she angrily said. "It's your turn to wash the dishes!"

"But I cooked!" I said.

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