Chapter 20 - Heartbreak.

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The following day Paul led a weary Michelle into the house. He closed the door and she heaved a sigh of relief.

 "It's good to be home." She whispered, as he kissed her softly on the lips.

 Carrying her bag, he headed for the kitchen.

 "Michelle." Rose greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her cheek. "I'm so sorry...."

"Don't Rose, please....I'll end up crying again."

"Cup of tea then?"


Michelle sat down at the table and looked around the familiar room.  "It seems like ages since I was in here." She commented softly.

"Well, you're home now," said Rose comfortingly.

Just a few days later Paul quietly explained to Michelle how speculation was building as to why he had left the tour early. Rumour was rife that there had been a major disagreement with John and that he had left the band. With Michelle understanding the needs for it,  Paul had agreed to make a statement outlining why he had returned early.

"Do you want me to be with you when you make your statement?" Michelle asked him softly, "After all, it's my fault you came back early!"

Paul looked at her and gave her a sad smile. "You know you have nothing to blame your self for, but if you feel you want to be with me you know I'd like that."

At the given time, Paul stood at the gate to the house.  In his hand he held a piece of paper which he intended to read from. He waited for the press to be quiet before beginning. As he lifted the paper Michelle saw how he was shaking. She squeezed his other hand to show her support and he gave her a gentle hug before speaking.

"There has been much rumour and speculation as to why I returned early from The Beatles tour of Australia and New Zealand. I would like to end all this gossip by making the following statement." He stopped, swallowed and then began again. "As you are aware, in October last year, Michelle and I proudly announced that we were expecting our first child. When I left Britain in December for the Australian tour, Michelle, was four months pregnant. However, whilst I was away,  Michelle was diagnosed with complications in the pregnancy and I was needed to be with her." He paused and looked around at the watching people. "Unfortunately those complications resulted in our baby being born 10 weeks earlier than she should have been.... Sadly, our daughter, whom we named Jessica, was stillborn." His voice cracked as he fought back tears.

There was a gasp from the watching crowd. Paul paused, as the crowd remained totally silent, apart from the occasional click of a camera. He wiped away the rears from his face before continuing.

"As I am sure you can all appreciate, my place was by Michelle's side during this horrendous time. I do not wish to make any further comment or answer any further questions on this matter. I would like to request that you respect our desperate need for privacy during this sad time for us both." He looked at Michelle who was now crying softly beside him. He put his arm around her before finishing.

"I would like to apologise to all fans who were disappointed by my absence and I have been assured that everyone is to be offered a full ticket price refund.  I will be returning to work with The Beatles once my home situation allows. Thank you."

Immediately, a sea of voices began shouting questions at them both. Paul shook his head and with his arm around Michelle, led her in to the house away from the crowd. Suddenly a voice, much more strident than all the others, called Michelle's name. She turned to find where it was coming from.

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