Chapter 5 - The aftermath

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The following morning Paul was awoken by Rose telling him that there were police officers at the door. Michelle, her face badly bruised, joined Paul in the living room.

"Is your name Michelle McDonald?" the main officer asked.

"Yes," replied Michelle, clearly ready to speak.

"Then Michelle McDonald, I am arresting you for the assault against Mr. Ian McDonald."

"What!" Paul was astounded.. "What are you talking about? He assaulted her – look at the state of her face for God's sake!"

"I'm sorry Mr. McCartney, but Mr. McDonald has pressed charges against his wife. Mrs. McDonald, we would like to discuss this further at the station."

Bewildered, Michelle was handcuffed and lead away to an awaiting police car.

 It was several hours later that a very tired and bedraggled Michelle arrived back at the house in a taxi. Paul was still waiting for her. Her fussed her into the living room and made her a drink.

 "What happened? This is madness!"

"I've been arrested and charged with assault." Michelle told him simply, "I explained why and what had happened. Apparently Ian has told them that I'm having an affair with you and that the only way he's prepared to drop the charges is if I go back to him!" Michelle suddenly began to cry. "I can't go back to him. EVER!  What am I going to do? I could get a custodial sentence for this! It's not fair! I don't know what to do Paul!"

Shaking his head in total disbelief, Paul tried to reassure her. "We'll stop this nonsense!" he declared, picking up the phone.

"Who are you ringing? The police won't listen to you!"

Michelle listened as she heard Paul talking to on the phone.  "Yes, right now is exactly what I'd like you to do. Yes. OK. Thanks."

Putting the phone down, he turned to Michelle. "You go and get changed whilst I get Rose to make you something to eat. In a few minutes my lawyer will be here to advise us in what we can do."



"That's going to cost a fortune Paul! I can't afford that. Cancel him!"

 He held Michelle gently on the shoulders. "You listen to me," he said softly, "Don't worry about the cost. We can sort that out later. Just let's do what we can for you."

"But...the cost... I can't .. !

"Yes, but I can! Look, we'll come to some arrangement to pay me back sometime. Don't worry! Anyway, Tom's on his way so it's too late to cancel him!"

There was a knock on the door. Reluctantly, Michelle had no option but to accept what Paul had to say. Rose brought a smartly dressed man into the room and left the three together with the promise of drinks and food. Introductions quickly over, Paul filled him in with the background to the problem. Then it was Michelle's turn.

"I'm going to need to ask you several questions now Mrs. McDonald."

"Please call me Michelle. I don't want to be reminded of the mistake that was my marriage!"

"Right, firstly, Can you tell the date and location of your marriage?"

"How old were you when you married?"

The questions seemed to be endless. Over an hour later all the information was collated and Tom left, promising to get in touch within the next few days. The following afternoon Michelle received a phone call from Tom who seemed to her, to be repeating the some of the same questions again. Confused, Michelle answered them again. Later that evening the phone rang again. Paul answered then spoke calmly to the person on the other end of the line and then agreed.

"Tom's on his way over," he said softly to Michelle, "He's got some news for you."

"Me! What? Oh no – let's hope it's something good!"

"Just try to keep calm. It won't be long."

Once Tom arrived, Michelle was keen to get started.

"Right," he began slowly, "First of all I have some news that may come as a shock to you Michelle BUT it does mean good news too."

Michelle waited.....

"I've done some research into the date and location of your marriage.  You told me you were married in a chapel in a small town outside Boston."

Slowly Michelle nodded in acknowledgement to this.

"Well..... There are no records of your marriage."

"What do you mean?

"For any marriage to be legal and recognized both in this country or in the States, then there are certain protocols and paper work that have to be followed. There is no such paperwork anywhere showing that these have been followed. When I discovered this, I dug even deeper." He paused, taking a sip of the coffee in front of him.  "It seems Michelle, that you were never married in the eyes of the law. Your marriage is only recognized by the chapel where it was solemnised and the religious group that owns it and therefore, in their community. In both American and British law, you are NOT and never have been married to Ian McDonald."

 Michelle looked stunned.

 "You said it was a good thing though," interrupted Paul, "why is this good?"

"Michelle. Although you were correct when you said that trying to press charges against Ian McDonald was impossible since most courts turn a blind eye to a violent spouse and, sadly, do not accept rape within marriage. The fact that we can legally PROVE that you and Ian were never married means you can press those charges."

"But what if I don't want to press these charges and drag all this through court? How's that going to help me? All I see is that Ian has made an even bigger fool of me than I previously thought."

"Actually," said Tom gently, "It does help you. I can completely understand why you wouldn't want to take this through the courts. However, you can use the fact that you COULD press charges as a bargaining tool to get him to drop the charges against you. The things he did to you could very easily land him five to seven years in prison. You have all the medical evidence to prove your injuries.  You have a perfect way out for you."

Nodding slowly, Michelle took in this information.

"So, do you want me to put this to Mr. McDonald's lawyers?"

 Michelle paused.

"Of course she does!" said Paul suddenly, "Don't you?"

"I need time to think....." said Michelle quietly.

Both men stared at her, stunned.

"Michelle, What is it? Talk to me." Paul pleaded.

Shrugging, Michelle looked at him. "It's a bit of a shock. The last three years of my life have been a total lie! I thought he loved me like I thought I loved him. We got married to share that love." She shook her head sadly, " Well, Ian has made a complete and utter fool out of me! If you'll excuse me..."

Paul watched helplessly as she left the room.

"Will you contact me when Michelle has decided what she wants to do Paul?" The lawyer's voice disturbed his thoughts. "Then I'll be able to take things in whatever direction she wants."

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