Chapter 32 - Homecoming.

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Michelle and the twins were discharged from hospital 5 days after the birth. Michelle was well but tired. The twins had settled into 3 hourly feed patterns. Arriving home with them suddenly seemed daunting. Carrying a baby each, Paul and Michelle entered the house to be greeted by Rose, who cooed and fussed over both mother and babies like a granny! 

The day after she arrived home, Michelle and Paul were exhausted after the marathon of feeds and changing that had gone on over night. However, John, Cynthia and Julian had arranged a visit. Michelle watched as Paul's pride and delight were obvious as he showed off his children for the first time. Julian was surprised to find 'Unca Paul' now had two babies! More friends called though out the day.  When Michelle handed both babies to 'Grandad' George, she thought he would burst with pride. Three weeks after their birth, the twins were baptized. Granddad James watched intently as his first grandson was given the McCartney family name of James Peter – and his granddaughter named Kathryn Mary – after Paul's mum.  This was followed by the new additions to the McCartney family and their parents posing for several photographs which were released to the press for publication. Paul's time at home seemed to fly and he returned to his working routine when the twins were six weeks old.

They settled into a busy routine. Paul was working on a new album which meant long hours in the studio. However, once he was home, he spent time with his wife and children enthusiastically. By the time the twins were two months old, both Michelle and Paul were exhausted. Juggling children and work was proving too stressful for Paul. Michelle quickly became aware of his stress and tried to support him.  He became uncharacteristically short tempered with both her and the babies. Michelle began to worry more and more as he seemed to grow distant and less involved with the twins. In an attempt to give them both a break, Michelle arranged for John, Cynthia  and Rose to babysit whilst she and Paul had some time together. They went out for dinner and were able to talk and enjoy being a couple again. Once they returned home, their baby sitters had agreed to complete the whole night duty. Michelle and Paul made love for the first time since the twin's arrival and slept undisturbed until the morning. This improved Paul's mood in the short term but then he became distant again and spent more and more time away from the house. Michelle's worry for her husband, however, was soon replaced by something else.

After preparing the twins for an outing, Michelle went to a doctor's appointment.  Once at the surgery, she was called in.

Richard looked puzzled as she came in, "You're not due a check up are you?"

Michelle shook her head, "No ...but I've got something I'm a bit worried about." She paused, Richard noticed she was shaking. He came and sat next to her in concern. She looked at him and then, to her horror, tears began to fall.

"Oh Michelle, what on earth is wrong?"

"I'm scared!"

Richard looked more confused. "Why love?"

Michelle swallowed nervously, "The twins are three months old. Richard, I haven't had a period since they were born! Why?"

He smiled, visibly relaxing, "That's not unusual Michelle.  Breast feeding can do that. You are still breast feeding aren't you?"

Michelle nodded.

"Right, I have to ask, have you and Paul resumed your sex life?"


"What contraception are you using?"

"Paul's in charge of that. I can't take the pill because I'm breastfeeding, can I?"

"Right, so if all that's covered then there's nothing to worry about. Your periods will return when you stop or reduce your feeding routine." said Richard, "But if it puts you mind at ease, I can run a pregnancy test for you?"

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