Chapter 31 - One and one makes four?

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The year slid slowly into December and then the spring. Paul discussed the idea of a holiday location for them both, knowing full well what Michelle's reply would be – Scotland. They spent three months of the summer in Scotland. Michelle was now into gardening and had started growing vegetables. They had also acquired another dog and two cats. Michelle was  blissfully happy in Scotland.

A week or so after their return to the hustle and bustle of London, Michelle found herself with the telltale signs of morning sickness, making her suspect she was now pregnant. Hugging herself at the prospect, she told Paul. He was thrilled. After an hastily arranged appointment with Richard, who confirmed the fact, Michelle was referred to Jane Rothwell, who confirmed she was eight weeks pregnant! Michelle loved being pregnant but found the early symptoms seemed much worse than she had experienced  before. By the time she had reached to three months stage, the sickness and the tiredness showed no signs of improving and were, at times, even worse. Becoming increasingly alarmed at what seemed to be Michelle's poor health, Paul took her to the doctor.

"But surely something's not right," he said worriedly, "She wasn't like this last time, even with all the stress we had."

Jane talked to Michelle, noting the tiredness and sickness. She examined her already showing growing bump to make sure dates were what they thought.

"Right, I think we need to do an ultrasound scan. It will enable me to see baby inside you and have a good check everything is as it should be."

Michelle lay down as instructed and the scan began. Jane expertly moved the probe over Michelle's bump and spoke to another person with her. She called Richard to look who nodded, looking shocked. Paul saw the looks and his worry grew. Jane continued to look on a small screen in front of her and then smiled. She turned to face Paul and Michelle.

"Right Michelle, Paul," she said, "I've found the reason why you've been feeling so ill Michelle."

"Is everything alright with the baby?" she asked anxiously.

"Baby is fine, don't worry about that but there is something which may cause some concern later in your pregnancy."

"What?" Michelle looked distraught.

"I'm going to turn the screen round so that you can see your baby for yourself." She turned the screen and they found themselves staring into a black and white fuzzy fog. With some explanations from Jane, they began to make out the outline of their baby. They were both amazed. "This here," said Jane smiling, "that looks like a flicker, that is your baby's heart beating – nice and strong."

"So what is there that causes concern?"

Jane pressed a few buttons and a different image appeared on the screen. "This."

"What?" By now Paul was filled with panic. "Please Jane!"

"Wait a minute," said Michelle interrupting, She pointed to part of the monitor "Isn't that the heart beat again?"

"Yes it is," said Jane, "It's actually a second heart beat."

"What do you mean? A second heart beat?"

"Well, increased tiredness, prolonged morning sickness, your bump seeming to grow bigger than it should be, and now two heart beats. What do you think that's telling me?"

"Two heart beats?" Paul looked shocked. ".... does that mean two babies?"

Jane and Richard grinned at them "Congratulations," said Jane,  "you're expecting twins!"

Michelle looked horrified. "TWO! There's two babies in here! Oh my god, how I am going to cope with two of them?!"

Suddenly Paul burst out laughing. "Oh Michelle," he cried hugging her, "you little beauty! You clever, clever thing. Twins! We'll cope – we'll have to – we can learn and do one baby each!"

My Michelle.- Complete Story!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz